He talks to the media about the new baby

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LIAM: Towards the end of an interview, the interviewer turns his full attention to Liam to ask about the newest addition to the family. "How have things been for you and [Y/N] with the little one in the house now?" "Fabulous!" Liam exclaims, a wide, proud grin on his face. "Of course she and I are both exhausted all the time," he chuckles, "but it's absolutely worth it to have such a beautiful three week old girl at home with us," he finishes so proudly that a tear comes to your eye as you watch the live interview from your couch. "How're you adapting to being a dad?" the interviewer asks. "Pretty well, actually. [Y/N] handles most of it; I'm really just there to relieve her of whatever duties I can. Like diaper changing - I hate diaper changing!" he adds. The audience gets a laugh out of that before the interviewer continues with more questions about your daughter.

LOUIS: Louis is off doing a radio interview one morning while you sit at home listening. "Now, Louis, you just became a dad recently, is that right?" "It is!" Louis says happily, and you can tell he's smiling broadly. "What's it like for you, being a new dad?" "It's great. I love it. She's such a happy baby, smiling all the time. She has a brilliant smile - just like her mum's," he explains fondly. "Sounds like things are going well for your new little family, yeah?" the interviewer questions. "Very well. [Y/N] is a great mum - always knows exactly what to do. Which is a good thing for me because I feel like I know nothing!" Louis concludes with a laugh. Upon hearing this, you giggle and say goodnaturedly to your sleeping daughter in your arms, "He's got that right."

NIALL: Niall had been sharing stories about your family for the last couple of minutes before saying, "He's a few months old now and he's just started laughing. It's the funniest thing. He has a loud laugh. My wife says he gets that from me, and I can't really deny that!" he says as he lets out one of his signature laughs. "How does your wife feel about that, having two loud laughers in the house?" "She says it's gonna be like living with a bunch of hyennas all the time, which is pretty much true. But it's fine because she has a pretty loud laugh herself sometimes. Instead of the Horan Household, the neighbors will be calling us the Hyenna Household!" He laughs a bit again, causing everyone in the audience to laugh along with him.

ZAYN: You'd left your little bundle of joy home for the day with your mother, and you're currently backstage watching an interview that Zayn is doing with a morning talk show. The conversation turns to be about your new baby and Zayn can't help but smile to get the chance to talk and brag about his son. Partway through the discussion of your son, he mentions that you are standing backstage and the interviewers ask you to come out and join them. You oblige and take a seat next to Zayn. "So tell us, [Y/N], what's Zayn like as a dad?" "He's a great dad, very helpful, loves spending time with the baby. Wanna know something funny?" you ask and everyone is quick to encourage you to go on. "The other day I walked into the bedroom and Zayn's holding him, trying to teach him how to master the pouty face." The room errupts in laughter. "He's really good at it!" Zayn tacks on proudly. "Zayn, he's a month old, that's just how his face is!" you laugh, amused at your husband's antics.

HARRY: During an interview, Harry is questioned about your newest member of the family. "He's great. Mummy and baby are doing really well. He's already gotten so big in the little time he's been here." "Is he going to be a flirt like his dad?" the interviewer asks. "Oh, for sure, yeah," Harry answers with an amused smile. "And I've already told him that his son is not allowed near my daughter if he turns out to be anything like his daddy!" Louis pipes up, joking with his friend. "Have the two babies met before? They are right around the same age, aren't they?" "Yeah, my boy is three days older. They met once. We set up a playdate with them. But since they are so young, they just slept and it was more of a playdate for us. Our wives ended up just taking the babies and letting us do our own thing," Harry explains and Louis laughs and nods his head in agreement. "Our wives are quickly realizing that they actually each have two kids to take care of - us and the little ones," Louis adds on. You sit at home shaking your head at your husband and his best friend, knowing that those two will never grow up and loving him that much more for it.

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