He misses you on tour

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Harry: and every little thing reminds him of you. The way the sun brightens up his day or how beautiful the sunset is. It all reminds him of you and that sucks. It sucks because he can't see you right now, he can't touch you or kiss you like he wants. He knows you had to stay for school but why did it all have to be so complicated. Why couldn't he hug you and kiss you for the rest of his life?

Niall: and the time zones are all over the place. Most of the time he's afraid he will call you when you are sleeping. It's driving him crazy that you couldn't have come on tour with him, stupid management. They didn't want him distracted or any of the boys for the matter, so it was a girlfriend-less tour. He was tired and just ready to go back home and wrap you up in his arms for the rest of his life.

Louis: and he's not getting anything done because of it. He's always staying up late for your texts or just looking at his pictures of you. Due to the fact of him staying up late he keeps falling asleep during meetings and anywhere he is comfy. He forgets his lyrics most of the time. It's gotten to the point where all the other boys and management are sick of it. So they secretly get you a plane ticket and you show up, surprising Louis. Once you were in his arms all his worries washed away. You were finally where you belonged, in his arms.

Zayn: and the cheating rumors did not make it any better. Zayn knew he could trust you but there was always the chance you would change your mind and find someone "better". Someone who could see you, hug you, and kiss you all the time. Someone who did not travel the world for a year without you. It pained him to think about it but in reality he knew you would give up the relationship soon. He believed you would leave him a vague note saying you couldn't take it anymore. But truthfully you were sitting in his flat, wearing your favorite sweater of his, and had your phone right next to you. Checking it every few minutes waiting for that text from him.

Liam: and for the first time he wouldn't greet fans and if he did all he would do is complain about not seeing you. The fans were raving and begging you to just surprise him on tour or something to make him stop. Liam would stay up and look at videos you made for him to watch on tour only making him missing you worse. Liam was like a sad puppy without you and you were a sad puppy without him. So you got a plane ticket and flew to him, much to the fans satisfaction . And just like that he was the happy Liam again. You were each others missing halves, without each other you would be lost.

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