He cant undo your bra

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Louis: You and Louis had just gotten back from supper with Liam and Danielle, and in two seconds flat, he had you pinned up against the wall, in the middle of a steamy make-out session. Louis's hands travelled up and down your legs, leaving shivers all over your body. You two hadn't broke the kiss, but had moved into the bedroom. He threw his shirt off, and help you out of yours. He got to the back of your bra, and tried unhooking it but he couldn't find the clasp. " Um, Louis, the clasped is in the front" you said inbetween your kisses. " Oh, that makes sense" he says, unhooking it and throwing it across the room, to join all the other clothes that joined it throughout the evening.

Liam: You and Liam were finally going to do "it" tonight, and out of the two of you, Liam was more nervous. You both weren't virgins, so you didn't know why Liam was so shaky. Throughout dinner, he couldn't sit still and kept fidgeting After supper, you suggested you watch a movie to try and calm Liam. You put on Toy Story, and he began to relax. Halfway during the movie, you were getting bored, and straddled Liam. You began kissing him, getting more and more passionate. You grab the hem of his shirt, and threw it off. He grabbed your shirt, and threw it off too, to join his. He started to unhook your bra, but his hands were shaking too much and he couldn't quite do it. " Li, it's okay. I got this" you said, unhooking the clasp and letting it fall.

Harry: It was your guy's anniversary, and Harry wanted to spoil you. You weren't really in the mood, so Harry decided to just give you a massage instead. Cheeky boy, he just wanted to try and get you back in the mood. His hands trail up and down your back, as he tugged your shirt off. He played with the back of your bra, going to unhook it. You knew what he was doing, and just smiled to yourself. About 5 minutes passed and he was still trying to open the clasp. " Are you okay Harry?" you asked him, stifling a laugh. " Ya babe, but my hands seem to be too big, I can't unclasped it" he said frustrated.

Niall: You and Niall had just gotten back from the gym, both sweaty and tired. You both couldn't help it though, but you were a bit turned on by eachother. Without saying a word, you attacked eachothers lips. " You. Me. Shower. Now" he said in-between kisses. You jumped up and wrapped your legs around him, as he carried you to the bathroom. You began to strip eachother, not breaking from the kiss. He went to take your bra off, but he couldn't find the clasp. " Y/N, where is it?" he said confused. " Niall, this is a sports bra, there is no hook" you said laughing.

Zayn: You had dragged Zayn to the mall, and he was more than happy to be going. He slumped to every store, tagging along behind you. His spirits lifted though when you told him you had to run into Victoria Secret. He grabbed a whole bunch of bras from the display, and insisted you try them on for him. You obliged, and proceeded to try some of them on. You tried one on for him, and you told him that you couldn't reach the clasp, so he came into the dressing room with you. He fumbled with the clasp, and you laughed at him. " What, it's confusing. How do you even put these on is the real question" he said, trying to concentrate on getting it off.

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