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Zayn: He took your hands, heart slamming into his ribs as the priest asked him to say his vows. It was hard to speak when you were standing there looking so flawless, so utterly beautiful and utterly his. "I'm not good with words, I never have been. It became even harder to speak when I met you, you left me breathless in every way. But somehow through that stuttering and shyness, you fell in love with me and it was the best thing to ever happen to me. You've challenged me, you've helped me grow. And thanks to you, I'm not afraid to speak up anymore. You've made me brave and that," He said squeezing your hands and watching a tear slide down your cheek, "is the greatest thing anyone has ever done for me. You've loved me so much, encouraged me so much that now I promise that for the rest of your life, I will be brave for you. I will encourage you, I will love you, I will help you pursue any and all dreams you have. I promise to watch bad TV with you on I promise to keep my studio clean. But most of all I promise to love you for the rest of my life and beyond that, because you are everything I've ever wanted, and there will never be a day where I don't tell you what you mean to me, although bear with me if I can't find the words. Love doesn't cover what I feel for you, neither does adoration. There will never be words to express what you mean to me, because you are beyond comprehension, and you are beyond anything I've ever dreamed of. I love you."

Harry: His hands were shaking so badly he didn't know how he was able to hold yours with such gentleness. He'd waited his whole life for a moment like this and now that it was here, Harry's throat went dry and his heart took off at a sprint. "You asked me once what was the best moment of my life and I didn't answer you, because this is it. This is the best moment of my life. I get to marry my best friend, my partner in crime and I am so thankful that you've stuck by me for as long as you have. You've put up with more than I care to admit, and you have shown me what it's truly like to love someone and I've never felt that before. You are love, you are soft and kind, tender, fierce and wonderfully bright. My world is a better place because of you. So here's my promise to you. I promise to protect you, I promise to take care of you and look after you. I promise to eat your cooking even if I don't like it-" He broke off when you laughed, shaking your head as you gazed at him. "I promise to give you the family you always wanted, and I promise to be the best dad and husband that ever lived because you deserve the best of everything, and I promise to do that for you. I promise to make you smile every day, because you're smile is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. I love you, baby, I promise that I will love you for the rest of my life and there will never be a day that I won't tell you."

Niall: His legs were shaking so bad he thought he was going to fall over. It's just that Niall never thought he'd find this, he never thought this would happen to him. And as he looked at you, taking your small hands in his, he took a deep breath. "I feel like I've spent my whole life looking for someone to love me, to cherish me the way I wanted to be. I was looking my whole life for someone who would just be there, and then I met you. And you didn't do anything that I wanted, you did more. You loved me so fiercely I knew that it could break you, but you kept loving me anyway. You didn't just cherish me, you adored me and I could see it every time you looked at me or touched me. You weren't just there for the ride, you were involved in everything and I will never forget the first time you told me you loved me, it wasn't just love, was it? It was forever. And that's my promise to you now, baby. It's forever. I promise that I will love you just as fiercely, just as completely as you have loved me for the rest of our days until we're old and gray. I promise that you'll never have to do anything alone, and I'll get things off the top shelf when you can't reach. I promise to let you wear all my shirts without complaint, and I promise to keep you warm every night. You aren't just the love of my life, you are the love of my forever, because I will love you beyond this life and into the next and so on. You are everything, and I can never tell you how much you have saved my life. I love you, baby,"

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Liam: Liam wanted the service to be over. He wanted to run down that aisle with you and start your lives together, he didn't want to wait another moment for you to be his, to have his name, just as he couldn't wait to be yours. "I'm shaking because I'm excited," he laughed, earning a chuckle from the audience. "It's not every day you get to marry your best friend. But I get to marry mine today, and I can't tell you how incredibly lucky and blessed I am to be able to do so. I loved you when you were five and wore those silly pigtails, and I loved you when you were ten and had those braces. I loved you at 15 when you tried to be a spice girl, and I loved you at 20 when you decided you wanted to be an artist. I've loved you through every stage of your life, and I promise to keep loving you through them. I'll love you when you're 50 and have wrinkles, or when you're 80 and your hair is gray. I'll love you when you're a mother, a grandmother, I'll love you when you can't hear anything-" you batted his hand playfully and he pressed his lips to your knuckles. "I just can't wait to go through life with you, grow with you and learn with you. I can't wait to tell you every day that I love you, and I can't tell you what it means to know that I have the rest of my days with you by my side. I'll protect you, cherish you, keep you safe, I'll do everything on this earth for you because I love you, and you are the most precious thing to happen to me. I love you, babe, I've loved you for my whole life and I'll love you for the rest of it."

Louis: Louis was ready. He wasn't nervous, he was calm. He had never been more sure of anything in his life and he couldn't wait to get stared on his life with you. When he took your hand and slid his ring on, he spoke. "When you first met me, I told you that music was the only thing that kept me calm, kept me sane. I told you that it completed me and it made me whole. I was wrong. Music doesn't do that for me- you do. You're like my favorite song, you fit into my chest and you fill me up and make me whole in a way that nothing else can and I can't wait to sing you for the rest of my life. You keep me level, you keep me grounded, but you have also given me wings to fly. You have completed me so fully that I know that I couldn't breathe without you, and that's fine. I'm not afraid to say it, I used to be, but I'm not now. And now I get to spend my life with you and it's mind-blowing. So here's my vow to you: you'll never need to ask how I feel for you. I promise to show you every day. I promise to go on adventures with you and see the world, and I promise to be the best dad when we have kids. I promise to protect you, to love you as you have loved me. I promise to take risks with you and let you chase your dreams, I'll chase them with you. I promise to support you as you have supported me and if you want to fly, I will gladly give you my wings. You are my best girl, my best friend and the absolute love of my life. Thank you, for letting me love you and thank you for sharing forever with me, I can't wait to start. I love you."

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