The boys defend you from a rude fan

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Niall: You, Niall and the boys were all out for ice cream. You had managed to get to Glasgow for the boy's stop there while on tour, and you were trying to spend as much time with the guys as you could. Having become good friends with the rest of the boys made it extra hard when they all went away. "Let's eat out front?" Zayn suggested, and you all agreed. "I have to run to the bathroom" Niall said, kissing your cheek and disappearing behind the door. You took your bowl and went out front. "Look, its that ugly slag who's dating Niall!" someone shouted. You pretended you didn't hear it, and sat down waiting for the boys. "She's hideous! Why would Niall date her?" another girl shouted. You felt tears sting your eyes. Girls were such bitches. "Go back inside you're ruining the view" a girl shouted, and you finally broke. You got up to walk inside and the girls cheered. You took a few steps and landed into Liam's chest. "Y/N what's wrong?" he asked, seeing your eyes wet with tears. "Nothing" you whispered, scooting past him. There was a boy band wall blocking you. "Those... Those girls called me ugly" you said, embarrassed that you were so worked up. "Which?" Zayn said, and you could see rage in his eyes. "Those three" you said, nodding in their general direction. "Hey, you girls!" Louis shouted, and you turned. Their faces lit up as the climbed the railing to see the guys. "We heard you were talking to Y/N" Harry said, putting his arm around you protectively. Their faces dropped. "You better take your bitchy attitudes and walk away. We don't need 'fans' like you supporting us" Louis said, his tone full of attitude. "In fact, if you don't leave now we will be calling security" Liam said, putting a hand out as if to point them to the door. "And next time you despicable people want to open your mouths, think twice" Zayn shouted after them. "Guys..." you whispered. "Nobody talks to you like that" Harry said, walking you back to the table. Niall thanked the guys all day after you explained what happened.

Zayn: You were out shopping with Zayn and the guys. With Danielle and Eleanor busy with school and dance, you needed to be the voice of reason for the new clothes they were going to buy. They all had a good sense of style, but a little feminine touch never hurt. You were going in and out of stores, checking out different stuff for each of the guys. "Zayn Malik?!" someone shouted as you and Zayn walked out of a shop together. "Jordan Boewles. How are you doing, mate?!" Zayn called back, and hugged the man. "I haven't seen you since you left school, how are you?" he asked, and you slowly walked away. You got about six shops down where the boys were. "Y/N, how about these?" Louis asked you, showing you a pair of plaid shorts and a Hawaiian top. "Where did you even find that?!" you asked, laughing. "Why would you ask her?! Her sense of style sucks!" someone shouted at you. "What?" Harry said, craning his neck out the door. "Get inside" you said, pushing past him. "No, someone said something" Niall said, squeezing past you in the doorway. You sighed. "What did you say?" Niall asked. You looked out the door and watched as Harry joined Niall. "What did you say?" Niall asked the girl. "Y/N dresses like a homeless, blind prostitute" the girl snickered at her friend, who just looked away. Liam wrapped an arm around your shoulder and you shook your head. "You dress like a bumbling idiot!" Louis called from inside the store. "Lou" you whispered sternly. "Maybe because she is one" Harry said, and you covered your mouth. "You lost a fan today" the girl glared. "We don't want fans like you" Liam shouted at her as she walked away. "You know that's going to be an issue when your management finds out, right?" you asked as the boys all piled back into the shop. "I don't care, we love you and we're going to defend you" Niall said as he passed you, causing you to break into a smile. You told Zayn what happened, and he was so thankful to have four great guys looking after you.

Harry: You had been to see one of the guy's shows at O2 Arena. You hadn't managed to get to many shows, keeping busy at home, so it was nice to be able to make it to a local show. You had been in the crowd to support the Harry and the boys, who had become brothers, and now you were waiting backstage for them to be ready to leave. You and the guys were going to go get something to eat. "Ready, finally?" you asked as Louis rounded the corner of the dressing room. "Y/N, it takes time to look this good" he said, ruffling your hair. You groaned and tried to fix it before walking out. You were met with thousands of screaming fans. You posed for a couple pictures, as did Harry and the guys. However, Harry definitely got the most attention and was a good fifty feet behind you when you got to the van. The other boys were near the end of the pack of fans, signing autographs quickly, trying to get out of the cold air. "Look who finally decided to show herself at a concert. Worst fucking girlfriend ever" a fan snidely yelled at you. You turned to her and glared. She was with two friends. "What, you didn't have time between sleeping and living off Harry's money to go to more than one concert?" another girl asked. "You don't know me" you said, giving the other girl a dirty look. "Yeah but I know you're only with Harry for his money. He should be with somebody who actually cares about him, unlike you you filthy gold digger" the last girl said, as they all approached you. "Uh you need to back the fuck up" Louis's voice boomed behind you. Zayn wrapped his arms around your shoulders and Liam positioned himself in front of you. "I paid for a ticket, I can stand where I want" the girl said. Niall appeared with his wallet in hand. "Here, £150. Get off the property" he said, and your eyes widened. "I don't want your money, Nialler" the girl said sweetly. You huffed and she glared at you, causing Zayn's grip to tighten. "Only my friends call me Nialler, and I would never be friends with girls like you" he said, standing alongside you. "But you'll be friends with her?" one of the girls asked, and you turned your head."You're a fool. You know why she can't come to shows all the time? She's working. You moron. She has a job and pays her own bloody way" Zayn shouted, and you backed closer into him. "Whatever" the girl said, and there was a sudden flash. Liam had taken a picture of the group. "This is going to every venue we play this year. Don't bother showing up" he said, and the girls looked devastated as they walked away. You explained everything to Harry when you got in the van, and he offered to treat everyone to food as a thank you.

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Louis: You, Louis and the guys were all at a CD signing. You had kind of become the boys unofficial assistant at these types of events, offering to grab them coffees or anything else they could want. It was more of a sisterly figure to them, because they liked to tease you while you did their errands. It ended up making you all very close, though, which made it all worth it. You were on your way to get Niall an energy drink for the car ride home when two girls stopped you. "Oh my god, Y/N right?" they asked you, and you smiled and nodded. "Wow, can we get your autograph?" they asked, and you were surprised. "Sure, did you want me to write anything with it?" you laughed, nervously, taking a pen out of your purse. "How about 'Y/N, the world's most famous beard'?" the girl asked, snickering. You slowly raised your gaze at her, a disappointed look in your face. "We all know Louis's gay, you're just in denial" the other girl said. You were furious, but Louis had always told you ignore hate like that. You put the pen back in your purse and went to walk away. "Question, does Louis watch gay porn when you two do it?" one of the girls laughed while the other one blocked you from walking away. You looked down. "How little self respect must you have to be someone's beard" the girl laughed condescendingly at you. "How little self respect must you have to verbally attack someone in a mall?" Liam asked, stepping in between you and the girls. At first you were nervous, until Niall, Harry and Zayn showed up. Niall stood right next to you, so close you could practically hear his heart race. "Whatever, you all know it's true" the girl said, turning to her friend who was laughing. "I don't get what it will take for you to guys to understand that Louis likes girls. He's dating one of the prettiest girls I have ever seen! Don't you get that?" Zayn asked, and you blushed lightly. "Beard, heard of one?" the girl snickered. "True love, heard of that?" Niall called from beside you. "Irrelevant fan who should stop buying our music, how about that one?" Harry said. The girls shook their heads and walked away. Louis showed up right after, and you told him what happened. "Thanks boys, it's nice knowing she has other people to protect her" he whispered, thinking you had gone out of ear shot to get Niall that drink.

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Liam: Liam was out, picking out something to get you for your birthday, while the rest of the boys and you went for dinner. Zayn, Niall, Harry and Louis had become your best friends and it wasn't abnormal for you to spend more time with them in a day than Liam. You were dating Liam Payne and hanging out with the rest of the guys from One Direction. That was bound to bring on some jealousy. "I feel like pizza" you said from the back back seat of Harry's Range Rover. "Pizza? Pizza?" Harry asked the rest of the car, and they all moaned in agreement. "Alright, pizza" he said, starting the car and pulling out of his driveway. The drive to the pizza place was quick, and as you pulled up Liam texted you. "Liam's done shopping, so he's going to meet us here" you announced to the car. "Sounds good, sis" Zayn said, pushing you over to crawl past you. "I hope you fall out of this thing" you shouted as he climbed out. You followed suit, and there were fans outside. You walked over to where Louis was standing, and he wrapped you in a one armed hug before signing another autograph. "Wow, must be nice to whore around one boy band" a girl commented, and you looked at her. You let out a laugh, thinking she was joking. "I am glad you think spreading your legs for anyone with a microphone is funny" she said, and your smiled turned to a frown. "You need to stop" Louis said, pointing at the girl. "Maybe you should stop flirting with your band mate's girl" the girl threw back. "He gave me a one armed hug... Is that an issue?" you asked, and you looked at Louis shaking your head. "The problem is Liam is a nice guy and you would rather hit on all his friends then be with him. Because you're a slut" she said in a factual tone. "Get lost" Harry said, walking up beside you, facing the girl. "Oh, you own Joe's Pizza Palace now?" the girl snapped. "I know Joe and I know if I go in and tell him you're out here being a nasty twit, I'm sure you will be on your way" Niall said, standing behind you. "Y/N, you need your five boyfriends to fight your battles? What kind of woman are you. Fucking loser" she spit, and you lunged towards her. You didn't get far, Louis's arm wrapped tightly around her. Zayn walked over, noticing the commotion. He must have been oblivious, as he walked right up to the girl. "Hi sweetie! What's your twitter?" he asked, and you looked at Niall like you were watching a dog with three heads do the tango. She gave it to him, acting innocent. "Great, I am going to go tweet about you and have you reported. Let's go in" he said, and the girl's jaw dropped. "So proud" Louis said, smacking Zayn's back. When Liam finally arrived, you told him what happened. He was impressed, and very thankful to the guys for having your back.

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