Niall - with the kids

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I come home and hear all sorts of instrument noises and little giggles and talking and singing. I walk into the living room to find Niall and our little girl sitting together on the sofa. she's watching what he's doing as he strums and sings a few words, then pauses to look up at her and she gives him a big smile before noticing me standing in the corner. "Mummy!!" she runs over, grabbing my leg. I pick her up into a hug saying "Hi honey, what are u two doing?" "Me and daddy are starting a band!" she squeals. "A band! Wow thats awesome!" I say, my voice sounding higher. I smile and peak over her head to see Niall grinning from ear to ear at the two of us, "What kind of music are you going to play?" She tilts her head to the side, thinking for a moment, "Well, we're just playing some of daddy's songs... but I'm helping!" "Of course you are, baby," I laugh at her enthusiasm and the expression on her face with her wide, bright and blue eyes.

Niall makes his way across the room to the two of us, placing his hand on the back of my head and leaning in to kiss my forehead before reaching out to grab Daisy from my arms saying, "C'mon princess, let's show mummy how it's done." He picks her up and carries her over to the big sofa, placing her keyboard on her lap before sitting down next to her with his guitar. He reaches over, tucking her soft baby hair behind her ear, asking "Ready?" and she nods her head with a serious look of concentration on her face, making Niall laugh. He starts playing the first few notes and you recognize the tune immediately, until right after the opening when her little tiny fingers start hammering on her keyboard. Niall smiles at her, nodding as encouragement that she's doing a great job, and he sings with her chiming in every other word to sing over him in her screechy little voice. The entire song is an absolute mess but its also the most adorable thing you've ever seen. He's so patient with her and so proud and you can tell how much he loves teaching her these little things. The way she looks up at him with her furrowed brow, biting her lip, you know she's trying so hard to be just like daddy.

When the song ends Niall puts his hands up in the air, "Yeah, did such a good job princess!" and she smiles real big before he reaches out, picking her up easily and lifting her above his head, making her soar around in the air in a fit of giggles. When he puts her back down she looks over at me, and I give her a giant round of applause as she runs over to me. Picking her up, I tell her how impressed I am and what a good job she did and I give her kisses all over her face. When I look up Niall is standing right next to me, leaning into my face, "Did I do a good job, too?" he asks me with a cheesy grin. "Yes Niall, you did a very good job too," I laugh before leaning in and giving him a long, soft kiss.

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