Naill and liam - Your baby is born

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You wake up in the middle of the night feeling extreme pain down there and some wetness on the bed. You know exactly what this means. You scream out in pain and Liam immediately wakes up.

"Baby what's wrong?" You have tears streaming down your face but you manage to respond.

"It's time Liam. She's here." Liam stared at you shocked for a minute before he jumped into action. He grabbed the hospital bag you two packed a couple a weeks ago, in case o an early arrival. It includes clothes and pj's for you and onsies and diapers for the baby, baby bottles and a pump since you plan on breast feeding.

Once Liam has the bag and his coat and shoes are on he helps you put your coat and shoes on. He helps you into the car and as soon as you are sitting, another contraction starts. You scream out in pain. Liam drives as fast as he could to the hospital, worrying about you and the baby the whole time. You get to the hospital in ten minutes and Liam rushes you in screaming for a doctor.

"Help! Someone help! My wife is having a baby!" A couple nurses and doctors rush over to you and take you into a room.

"Would you like an epidural?" She ask you. You and Liam both answer at the same time.

"YES!" The nurse does what she needs to and you and Liam are left alone for while. He whispers how much he loves you and the baby and how you are going to do a good job. A doctor walks in and hands Liam some scrubs.

"Are you ready, Y/N?" You look up at him, confused.

"For what?" He smiles and puts on some rubber gloves.

"To push." After an hour of endless pain and Liam's hand almost falling off the doctor hands you a beautiful baby girl.

"What would you like to name her?" A nurse comes in with a birth certificate and writes down the date of time of the birth of your daughter.

"Taylor. Taylor Marie Payne." Liam smiles and gives you a passionate kiss before kissing Taylor on her newborn cheeks. Liam takes out his phone and takes your first family picture. He sends it to the boys and his and your parents. The doctors and nurses let you feed Taylor and sleep.

"I love you Y/N. Thank you so much for being in my life, and bringing such a beautiful person into the world." You smile and give him a kiss.


You and Niall were watching a movie in your flat. Niall had taken the next few weeks off, because he wants to be there when you give birth. He took a month off because the ninth month of pregnancy is like walking on glass, you don't know what to expect. You have been feeling some pains in your stomach and lower lady parts for about an hour, but thought nothing of it.

Nialls loud contagious laugh boomed though the house you two, almost three, live in. He was cut off quickly by your loud scream. He quickly looks at you with worry on his face.

"Niall. I think it's time. I think the baby is here." You let out another scream as Niall hops off the couch. He is running around the house like a chicken with his head cut off. He is grabbing random items, stuffing them in a bag and saying stupid things.

"Okay, I am going to call a cab, then we will go to the hospital. And, oh my god, where am I going?" He starts rambaling and he walks out the front door. Your contraction had stopped and you sit there. You count to four before Niall walks back in and heads towards you.

"Babe, calm down. You don't need a cab, we have a car. And we have a bag packed already, remember? It is in the trunk (or boot, depending on where you live) where it's been for a week. Calm down, calm Liam and drive me to hospital so I can get this out of me!" By the end of your sentence you are yelling and having another contraction. By this time, Niall has gotten a grip and calmed down a bit. He helps you into your shoes and brings you to the car.

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Once you get to the hospital you are immediately rushed into a room with a bunch of doctors in scrubs. Niall is handed some too and an older doctor walks up to you.

"Well, Mrs. Horan. It seems that you are further along than you thought. It is actually time to push the baby out now. Are you ready." You shake your head as tears stream down your face.

Niall comes up beside you and holds your hand. He strokes your cheek with the other and whispers encouraging words in your mouth.

"Okay, on three Y/N. One... two... three..." You start to push and the pain is almost unbearable.

"Oh my god! Niall! Why can't guys get pregnant!" A few more pushes later, Niall releases the death grip on you hand.

"Congratulations Mr and Mrs. Horan. You have a beautiful baby boy! What do you want to name him?" Niall looked over at me, he said he doesn't care what his was, as long as he was ours. But I know what he really wants his name to be.

"Linkin. Linkin James Horan." Niall smiles widely.

"Really?!" You nod and gives you a long passioate kiss, then proceeding to give your son a kiss on both cheeks and the forehead.

After you feed Linkin, Niall takes a photo of you and the baby and puts in on twitter. Your phone vibrates and Niall grabs it for you. You see a twitter notification from Niall.

@NiallOfficial: Mine and @Y/T/N new born son, Linkin. Love him and my lovely wife to the end of space and back. (Photo attatched).

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