Talking about having another baby

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One Direction Life Part 2

ZAYN: Coming up behind you and wrapping his arms around your waist, Zayn presses his abdomen against your back, speaking softly. "You know what we haven't had around here in a while? The sounds of little wails and whimpers." As if on cue, Lane bursts into a round of tears. You and Zayn swiftly make your way into your son's room. "What happened?" you ask. "I- I-" he sniffles loudly. "I was jumping on my bed. And then I fell off," he tells you, nestling himself into your arms. "Honey, how many times have I told you not to do that? Where did you get hurt?" He sniffles softly again before replying, "My leg." You check his legs, which look fine, before surveying the rest of his little body. You give him a kiss on the cheek as he starts to settle down. "You're ok, Buddy. Want some ice cream?" Zayn asks, receiving a nod from his son. As you set the family up with some bowls of ice cream, you turn to Zayn, questioning, "You really miss all that kinda stuff? You really wanna do it all again?" "Without a doubt," he confirms with a smile. "Yeah?" "Wouldn't have brought it up if I didn't mean it." You beam, glad to hear this, as you'd been thinking about it a lot lately too. "Alright then let's go for it. Let's start trying for another baby!" Zayn leans in and kisses your lips gently, breaking away when you hear a small voice ask, "Where's my ice cream?"

NIALL: "What's all this for?" Niall asks, pleased upon returning from a long day at the studio to find a romantic dinner, complete with candlelight, spread out in the kitchen. "Don't worry what it's for, just come on in and have a seat." "Don't have to ask me twice!" he chirps with a smile. You giggle a bit, sitting down to your own plate. You make small talk as you eat, mostly talking about how your days had gone at the studio and at home with Cole. About halfway through the meal, Niall suddenly stops and looks up at you with a deer-caught-in-headlights expression. "What's wrong?" you ponder aloud. "This isn't your way of telling me that you're it?" "No...not exactly?" you respond uncertainly, now rethinking the topic of conversation you'd been hoping to have with him. "Not exactly?" he presses. You take his hand atop the table and spill, "Well, I was wondering how you would feel about maybe starting to try for another one?" "Another one?" he asks quietly, thinking it over. "Already?" he inquires. "What do you mean already? Cole's almost three!" you point out with a small laugh. "Do you think we're ready for a second one?" "I don't see why not. We went through these same feelings before trying for Cole and look how great that turned out," you mention. He smiles and nods. "Very true. Yeah, why not? I'd love another one," he tells you. "Really?" "Really," he confirms, sealing the deal with a kiss to your lips.

LIAM: Finally having a rare Saturday night to yourselves, you and Liam find enjoyment in watching mindless television. The young couple on the show you're watching is working on putting together a crib in anticipation of the arrival of their new baby. "Remember how fun it was to do all that stuff when you were pregnant with Makenzie?" "Fun? I don't know about fun, but I remember a lot of frustration when it took you nearly seven hours to get that stupid thing put together," you tease. "Not that!" he says with a laugh. "I mean, just all the preparation in general, getting everything together and set up." "Yeah, that was pretty fun," you agree. "How would you feel about doing it all again?" he asks cautiously. "You wanna have another baby?" you questuion. "Yeah, I'd love to have more. And I'm sure Makenzine would really like having a brother or sister to play with." "Is now really a good time though?" you fret. "And what exactly would be a good time for something like this?" he mentions gently. "If you're not ready, you're not ready. That's fine, no pressure." "I want another one; I do. I just don't think I'm ready for one now..." "That's perfectly alright," he assures, reaching up to tuck a strand of your hair behind your ear. "I know that when you're ready, you'll sound the alarm." You smile and nod, resting your head on his shoulder. "I sure will" you confirm.

HARRY: "Hey, hon?" you ask casually one afternoon as you spend some time lounging poolside while Carson swims and splashes around in the water. "Yeah?" "I've kinda been thinking a lot lately about what it would be like to have another baby," you throw out there. "Yeah?" he repeats. You nod, prompting him to go on. "Alright." "Alright? That's it? No discussion, no nothing? You're just ok with it?" "Well, yeah. Why wouldn't I be?" "I dunno. I just thought this would result in more of a conversation." "Look, you and I both want more kids - that's a given, we're both ready for more now, trying for another one means having more-" "Ok, ok, I catch your drift!" you cut him off. This gets a laugh out of him, revealing those dimples you fell in love with. "So really, that's it? We're doing it? We're really gonna try to get pregnant again?" you press. He gives a small one-shouldered shrug. "Guess so. I mean, what else is there to discuss?" "Nothing really." "Hey, mom, watch this!" Carson calls to you, gaining your attention. He yanks down his bathing suit and jumps into the pool. "I can swim naked!" he announces proudly. "Who wouldn't want more of that running around?" Harry jokes in amusement. "Ohhh, I can't wait," you say in a sarcastic tone, but in reality you really can't wait for another one.

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LOUIS: At a family reunion, you and Louis are having more fun playing with all your little cousins, kicking a soccer ball around the yard, than you are with talking to your older cousins and aunts and uncles. At one point, your littlest cousin decides to join in the game, waddling her diapered butt into the middle of it all and picking up the ball in her chubby one-year-old arms. Louis scoops the little girl up in his arms and runs her towards the goal. "Throw it over that line," he instructs, helping her toss the ball into the makeshift goal. "Yay!! One point for us!" he cheers, lifting the baby up in the air triumphantly. The remainder of the game consists of Louis cheating by using the baby at his "secret weapon." As the game breaks up when the kids all run for the hot dogs and hamburgers that have just been laid out, Louis saunters up to you, still holding your cousin. "I want another one," he tells you bluntly. "What?!" you question, slightly taken aback. "Yeah, I want another one. Really badly." "Seriously?" "Definitely," he confirms. Your cousin reaches for you, leading you to pull her into your own arms. "Daddy! I want a hot dog!" Lea announces, running up to Louis who lifts her into his arms. "Then let's go get you a hot dog, yeah?" he aks. He takes a quick second to look back at you. "Come on, wouldn't this be great? Two little ones to make our family feel a little more complete?" You take in the scene before a beaming smile spreads across your face. "Yeah, it would be pretty great. Alright, let's do it then. Let's have another baby," you decide. Louis kisses your forehead lovingly before the four of you head over to get some lunch.

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