Your having surgery

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Harry: Harry's nervous, he sits in the waiting room and hardly moves because he doesn't want the nurse to come out with surgery updates. He chews his bottom lip to the point of were its almost bleeding. "She's gonna be fine," Liam promises patting Harry's back gingerly. "Just a little worried." He nods running a hand through his curls.

Liam: He stays in the hospital room with you for as long as possible and cries when he's forced to leave. The boys keep him company in the waiting room, which is nice, but he's so worried. "You've been here for 6 hours, Liam." Louis states taking a spot beside him. "Just walk down to the cafeteria." Liam shakes his head. "I can't. She hasn't ate or left so neither am I."

Louis: Louis tries to hide how nervous he is but all the boys and your family can see it. "Lou." Harry whispers rubbing a large hand down his small back. "It's alright to be scared." Louis smiles before nodding his head. Eventually the smile breaks and he's on Harry's shoulder with glossy eyes. "She's the best thing that's ever happened to me Haz. I....I'm scared to lose her." Harry frowns with half his mouth before hugging Louis. "S'gonna be alright."

Niall: He stays in the waiting room, moving restlessly from seat to seat as he waits. He's alone for the first few hours but eventually your family and also the boys join him. "Thanks for coming." Niall smiles as he gnaws at the pizza the boys brought along. They all laugh and try to keep his mind off the fact you're in surgery. Which works for a while, but occasionally slips back into his mind.

Zayn: He's scared. You're his everything and the fact that you're having a major surgery and you're basically alone back there breaks his heart. Since its the early, early morning none of your family or the boys could make it. So he sits there, for as long as it takes. "Honey," one of the nurses coo at him, rubbing his back. "Why don't you go get some rest, we'll take good care of her." Zayn smiles before shaking his head. "I'll wait. But thanks for your concern."

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