Liam - bed hogger

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"Good night Liam" you greet your boyfriend with a smile before snuggling into the bed the two of you share.

"Nights Tianna." he greets you back before joining you on the bed. The two of you have just moved in together and you are super excited to be sharing a bed with him. In your head its perfect: he cuddles you from behind and you snuggle into him and you wake up in his arms and you smile at each other sleepily and its just so romantic. The dimly lit candles that smell oh-so-lovely just add to the overall mood.

Unfortunately, thats only in your dreams. (pun not intended) It's not long before you can hear the soft snores from Liam and eventually they lure you to sleep. That's until you feel hot breaths coming onto your ear and a loud and annoying buzzing noise taking over your hearing. You toss and turn in bed because in your dreams, someone is ringing your really weird doorbell but you can't get up and open it because you feel like you are drowning in heat. Eventually, you jerk awake and almost scream when you see Liam's head so close to yours. You sigh, smilingly and slowly push him away before attempting to sleep again.

A few minutes pass in peace and you are this close to falling asleep when Liam jumps in bed. The shock of that wakes you up again so you turn to face him. You think that he has stopped but just as you are about to turn back, he starts twisting and tossing. You are dumbstruck because you have never dealt with anything like this and don't know what to do about it since you've slept alone your whole life. You try to stroke his head and get him to calm down in his sleep in the hopes that he will stop moving so much but to no avail. Soon enough, he has turned so much that he is entangled in the whole blanket meant for a king sized bed and still hasn't stopped tossing and turning or snoring.

You are left freezing in the cold zircon so your daw drops. You scoff unbelievingly and finally decide to wake him up but just as you are about to do that, Liam stretches out fully and in the process, knocks you off the bed! You yell out his name in anger and pain as soon as your butt hits the floor. He awakes with a start and looks around, confused until he sees you on the floor.

"What happened?" he asks, his voice thick with sleep. It's hard to not let the sexiness get to you but you manage it anyways.

"Get OUT of the room right now! First you snored in my ear, then you started jumping all over the bed and then you kicked me off the bed itself! Just get out!" you yell angrily. He starts apologising but you don't give in because you are too pissed.

It takes a whole lot of pampering and apologies until you finally forgive him and this happens a couple more times but luckily for you, he gets used to sleeping with another person and doesn't ever push you off the bed again. But that doesn't mean you don't. Oops ;)

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