He dedicates a song

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Harry - You're sitting at home sick watching a live feed from one of the boys' concerts. You obviously couldn't go because of how sick you were, so instead you reluctantly stayed home and were watching from the comfort of your own couch.

You hate missing their concerts, you love to see the boys having fun and living their dream. You've always supported the boys and Harry even when his career took him millions of miles away from you. It made you smile to see Harry enjoying himself and warmed your heart when he waved at you from the stage. You were so lucky to have him, you couldn't imagine being with anyone else.

"So, the next song we'll be doing is Truly, Madly, Deeply." You watch as Harry shouts into the mic over the screams of the fans, wishing you could be there. Seeing him on stage is your favorite way to see him. He absolutely glowed.

"This one has been special to me recently because it's the favorite song of someone I love very much, and it makes me think of her when I hear it," he says, a small hint of a soft smile on his face that you love to see. Even though you aren't there, you blush. "How many of you know (y/n)?"

The screams and cheers in response fill your small living room and bring a smile to your face. You watch as a wider smile spreads across Harry's.

"She's home sick tonight and I know she felt bad about not being able to make it, so this song is for her. I love you babe."

"Don't make me puke," Louis teases, clutching his stomach and the other boys laugh.

Harry rolls his eyes and shoves him lightly, shaking his head.

"You only wish you and El could be like us," he fires with a smirk.

The crowd goes crazy and Louis pretends to be hurt, clutching his chest. You laugh as you watch the boys taunt each other, nothing was more funny to you.

You watch and listen as they sing your favorite song, and this time it is all the more special because it is solely for you. Harry's emerald eyes shine brightly as he sings and your heart flutters when he blows a kiss to you through the camera.

You are truly, madly, deeply in love with him.

Louis - "Louis' always got a cheeky smirk on whenever we sing Midnight Memories," Liam's voice echoes through the arena as he announces the next song they are performing.

All the boys turn to Louis who obviously plays it off as if he has no idea what Liam is talking about.

Midnight Memories is your favorite song to watch the boys play live because they always get so worked up and lost in the music. You love seeing Louis so excited and energetic and you can't help but smile and dance along.

"Yeah, even when we were filming the video he was always off in his own little world," Harry chimes in, taunting Lou.

"You're all full of it, that's a lie! There were no witnesses -" Louis starts, over exaggerating as usual. You laugh as you watch the boys shamelessly tease him.

"Mate, we are all witnesses," Zayn laughs, clapping him on the back.

"Just tell us what's going through your head whenever we perform that song and we'll leave you alone," Liam tries to reason, taking a few steps toward him.

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"Fine, you all want to know?" He asks the crowd and is answered by a roar of screams and cheers flooding around you. "Fine, fine! Midnight Memories makes me think about my girl."

The crowd goes crazy and all the boys laugh and whoop. You can feel your face going beat red just knowing they'll tease you endlessly about this.

"Give it up for (y/n)!" Niall laughs pointing you out in the crowd. You cover your face with your hands and shake your head.

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