He kisses you infront of the boys

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Liam: "You guys are so formal." Zayn rolls his eyes. Louis adds to his comment, "Yeah! Loosen up a bit." Little do they know how loose you can get. (wink ;) wink). Your good girl air, and Liam's responsible persona is how people identify both of you. You both like to keep it that way, so you have agreed to keep what you do in your spare time, your little secret. However, the boys keep annoying you about it. You look over into Liam's brown eyes, and can see that they are annoying him too. You let out a deep sigh and look back to the boys. Liam places his hand gently on yours. You take this as a signal. You whip around, straddling him in his seat. "Let's show them." Liam's eyes grow wide and he nods quickly, because he knows what is about to happen. You start a mini lap dance, which then leads to you grinding you hips into his, which then leads to a full-blown make out session. After about five minutes of fun, you swing back into your chair to face the boys. All of their mouths are hanging open. "That was the best porno I've ever seen." Niall starts to give a round of applause. They will never pick on you or Liam again.

Harry: "C'mere gorgeous." Harry grabs your waist and spins you closer to his chest. He leans in for a kiss, but all of the boys are around, and you don't want to be awkward, so you put your finger over his mouth. "The boys." You nod your head over your shoulder. "They don't care." "I do." You blush. "Aw...baby." In the background you hear a chanting begin. "Kiss, kiss, kiss, kiss." You flip the boys off over you shoulder, and reach up to peck Harry on the lips. All the boys start to clap as you pull away, but Harry pulls you closer, giving you another, more meaningful kiss. You feel your cheeks explode into flames as the claps transform into awe's.

Louis: You have joined you boyfriend on the second leg of the tour. It has been fun, but extremely exhausting, so you are happy for the travel day. You, Louis, and all the boys are hanging out in the back of the bus. There is a bed, a TV, two couches, and a mini bar. You guys have been back here all day, playing video games, karaoke, and now it is movie time. "Breakfast Club" is always a classic. The other boys claim the couches, and you and Louis take the bed. He pulls you close to his chest, and spoons you as the cheesy eighty's music starts to play. You smile as you feel his warmth against you. Throughout the first half hour, he nibbles your ear, and tickles you soft spot, and tugs at your shirt. Each time you giggle, and each time, the boys yell at you. When Louis finally reaches down to kiss you lips, Niall looks back at you. "Will you guys please get a damn room?" Louis looks back at him, "Fine." He grabs your hand, and leads you towards his bunk. The walls are paper thin, so doing anything really fun is out of the question. You snuggle up to him, and spend the next four hours talking about memories, and future.

Niall: You are with your best friend Niall at a One Direction sleepover. You have always had a crush on Liam, but no one but Niall knows about it. "(Y/N), It's you turn. Truth or dare." Harry smirks at you." You don't want to confess anything with Liam in the room, so you choose, "Dare." Harry smirks, "I dare you to kiss Niall." Your eyes grow wide, and you turn to face your best friend. He looks from you to Liam, then back to you. You bite you lip as you lean towards him. He leans too, obviously dreading this as much as you. As soon as your lips touch, sparks fly. You would have never expected anything romantic between you and someone that is like your brother, but there definitely is. The way your lips move in perfect rhythm. The way it makes your whole body tingle. It is perfect. You pull away and look into his blue eyes, hoping he had felt the same thing you had. "Wow." He puts his hand on top of yours letting you know that he did feel the same. Your crush on Liam had just completely vanished.

Zayn: Zayn and the boys are leaving on tour for three months. You and the other girlfriends are there to bid them farewell. The other girls are flying out to meet them in a week, so they have already left, but you can't go with them. "Please come. Forget about the interview. I can get you any job you want. Just please come with me baby." Zayn pleads with you at the gate. "Zayn, this is the opportunity of a lifetime. This company will never again asks someone as young as me to fill this position." You take his hand into yours. "I know you've worked really hard for this, but I'm going to miss you like mad." He reaches down to kiss you on the forehead. "I'll be there whenever I can. I promise." You see tears well up in his eyes as he pulls you close to him. He bends down and kisses you long and hard. When he pulls away you see all of the boys staring at you, and you immediately feel awkward, but you know they understand. "I love you baby girl." "I love you too." Ant with that he turns and follows the boys onto the plane.

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