He texts you while on tour

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HARRY: "Hey, baby, I just wanted to text you and say goodnight before you go to sleep. I love you," his text message reads. You'd gotten it just before dozing off. It puts a happy smile on your face as you type out a quick reply before completely drifting off to Dreamland. "I love you too, babe. Have a good day xx" you punch out, knowing he's 12 hours behind you and it's the middle of the afternoon for him. You tuck your phone away on your nightstand before settling in to sleep, a giant smile on your face as you drift off.

NIALL: "I just ate chicken that tastes just like that kind you make that I love so much. Made me think of you. I love you. I know it's late back home, so goodnight!" You laugh after reading the message from your food-loving boyfriend. You yawn before glancing at the clock and typing out a quick reply, "I love you too, enjoy the rest of your meal!" With that, you head off to bed, thoughts of Niall flooding your thoughts all night long.

LIAM: You're awoken at almost 2:00 in the morning by your phone going off. "Sorry if this wakes you up but we just got out of our show and I wanted to tell you that I miss you and I love you and I can't wait to see you xx" You smile through your drowsiness. You attempt to send him something back, but can't keep your eyes open long enough and end up dozing off again before finishing your message back. You wake up the next morning with the phone still in your hand and are instantly reminded of the cute text you'd been sent the night before.

ZAYN: Your phone goes off while you're sitting in bed reading, trying to fall asleep. It's a video message from Zayn. You open the message and his face appears on the screen, singing you one of your favorite songs. The other boys pop into the background, heckling him for being so "mushy" while Zayn just carries on with his song, laughing and trying to ignore his friends. You're in a fit of giggles by the end as Zayn is saying, "Goodnight, baby, sleep tight. And just ignore these losers behind me. I love you!" He flashes you a big grin before the screen goes black. "You boys are too much. I love you too, Zayn!" you answer. You settle back into bed, picking your book up again, now even farther from sleep than you had been.

LOUIS: It's the middle of the afternoon and you're busy vacuuming the carpet. You see your phone light up from its place on the couch, so you flick off the vacuum to answer it. It's a text from Louis that says, "Hope I'm not too late to tell you to have a good night and sweet dreams! And if I wake you up with this message, I'm sorry. I love you, babe xxx" You laugh out loud before responding with, "I love you too, babe, but I'm not anywhere close to going to bed yet. You're only an hour behind me right now, love. You should really figure out this time zone thing! xx" A moment later your phone goes off again with another message from Louis. "Oops! Ha, I'm a loser." "Couldn't agree more X" you reply lovingly.

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