Your body is changing because your pregnant

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NIALL: "I feel so fat!" you complain, entering the living room where you find Niall sitting on the couch with a chicken wing hanging out of his mouth as he watches a soccer game. "You look hot, babe. Those jeans make you look so skinny," he responds automatically, completely brainwashed by the game. You smack him on the back of the head and break his trance. "Ow! What was that for?" he asks, pulling the chicken wing out of his mouth and plunking it back onto the plate in front of him. "My hips are so wide now that I can barely fit through the doorframes," you pout. "That is not true," Niall protests, pulling you down into his lap. You sigh. "I mean, I know your body is supposed to change when you're pregnant, but I didn't expect to feel like such a hippo so soon. I'm barely even showing yet! What am I gonna feel like in the next few months if I already feel so huge and bloated now?" "You know what? If you feel fat anyways, how about you at least validate that feeling by stuffing yourself with chicken wings? The one who eats the most wins a backrub," Niall challenges. "You're on!" you accept, digging in, and grateful for a husband who knows just how to get your mind off these kinds of things.

HARRY: "Would you cut that out?" you grumble, beginning to get severely annoyed with Harry. "Cut what out?" he asks innocently. "Stop staring at my chest. You've been staring at it more now than you did when we were dating and they were off limits," you observe. "I can't help it. They are looking extra...plump...lately," he mentions bluntly. "Oh my God," you groan, rolling your eyes. "I think you should stay pregnant really looks good on you." "You make it sound like it's a dress, Harry! I'm having a baby, not going clothes shopping!" "You know what I mean," he retorts, focusing his gaze back on your chest. "That's it. Where's that oversized sweatshirt that I always sleep in when it's cold?" you say, storming out of the room. "Noooo, don't!" he whines, following after you, attempting to cut you off before you reach the sweatshirt.

LOUIS: You're sitting on the couch with your feet propped up on the coffee table, cushioned by a folded up blanket. Louis enters the room and sits beside you. "What are you watching?" he asks, glancing at the TV to see some infomercial playing. "My ankles swell," you respond curtly. "Huh?" "I'm watching my ankles swell. You can practically see them expanding," you tell him. He laughs and places a hand on your large belly. "I hadn't even noticed," he tells you honestly. "How could you miss them? They are like tree trunks! I used to have cute ankles and now they are more like barrels." "You still have cute ankles," he assures you. "Would a nice foot rub help take your mind off them?" "It might..." you say stubbornly, shifting position so that you can lay back against the armrest and drape your legs over his lap. "The swelling will go down, baby. I promise," he tells you sweetly as you close your eyes and get comfortable.

LIAM: "You are absolutely glowing," Liam tells you fondly, coming up behind you and wrapping his arms around your waist. You watch him in the reflection of the mirror and smile. "What do you mean?" "They always say that pregnant women glow...and I never believed it until now. There's just something different about you." You smile at his words. "The only difference I feel is constant nausea," you joke. Liam laughs lightly. "Well, yeah, there's that too. But at least you look good still, despite feeling terrible and gross." "Thanks," you say, turning around in his arms to face him. He hums in contentment before going on, "You just have this warmth sort of radiating off you, you know? It's very becoming of you," he finishes, placing a small kiss to the tip of your nose. "Well, enjoy this while it lasts because Glowing Pregnant [Y/N] can only last for so long before Miserbale Pregnant [Y/N] makes an appearance." Liam gives a hearty laugh. "I'll keep that in mind."

ZAYN: You're laying flat on the bed, running your hands up and down your stomach when Zayn joins you, ready to settle in for the night. There's a small bulge rising up from your once board-flat abdomen. "This is so weird," you mention, referring to your barely-there baby bump. "It's kind of all finally hitting me that this is real..." "Me too," Zayn agrees, placing a hand on top of yours on your belly. "I better get used to it...this is just the beginning," you continue. "By the time you're nearing the end, you won't even recognize your own body," Zayn jokes, but you both know there's some truth to his statement. He leans over and places a light kiss to your stomach. "How about the three of us get some sleep, yeah? It's been a long day," Zayn urges sweetly, lifting the sheets for you both to crawl under and settle in.

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