Niall and harry - baby belly

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Harry: "I miss you," you said, keeping the phone on your ear, thinking about the curly haired guy who happened to be your husband and also across the world. "I miss you too kitten," he sighed lowly, making your heart break slowly. It had been only few weeks, but he was calling you every chance he got, making sure he'd hear your voice every time it was possible. "I...I just want to come home," he said slowly, voice thick. You could hear his tears, what he tried so hard to muffle. You closed your eyes, hand resting on your belly, when you tried to answer to him without breaking down. "I want you to come too," you sniffled, unable to keep your emotions away. For a minute all you did was crying. You could hear his sniffles over the phone, making you break down and hold your stomach, hoping that the tiny thing you called baby, would keep you together. "Our baby misses you as well, babe," you smiled, tears blurring your vision. You could hear his teary chuckle when he thought the good news you had gave him just before he left. "I miss our baby too," he smiled, clearing his throat before talking again with his deep, meaningful voice, "Can I talk to the baby?" You smiled to yourself, thinking how his eyes lighted up every time he said 'baby'. He had waited so long, and he was so happy. "Of course, hold on, I'll put the phone to my belly," you smiled, drying your tears to your palm when you pressed the phone against your still flat belly, hearing your husband's voice. "Hi baby, it's daddy! I miss you so much, and I can't wait to see you again. Even though your mommy's belly is blocking our view...I hope you can hear me, I'm not very good at speeches, but I just want to tell you that I miss you and love you more than anything. Only two weeks and I'll be there again..."

Niall: You paced back and forth in the terminal, waiting boys flight to land so you could see Niall again. He had been away three weeks, while you found out you were pregnant. He was estatic, making you happier than ever before. "He's coming home," you whispered to your baby, hand brushing your, only a bit longer, flat belly. You could feel your heart beating when you saw the doors opening and five tired lads walked in. Harry noticed you first, smiling sleepily before nudging Niall who turned his head to see you, huge smile spreading to his face. "Princess," he breathed before running to you, crushing you to his arms, kissing your neck after multiple 'I love you's. "I missed ye so much, princess," he breathed against your lips when he kissed you, making your eyes go blurry with tears. "We missed you too, daddy," you answered, making hi blue eyes glister with tears. "I still can't believe it," he breathed, when he kneeled down, head on your belly's level. You smiled when you saw his amazed eyes what admired what he saw. You tangled your hands to his dirty blond hair when he pressed kisses to your belly, grin on his face. "Hi lil' one! We've been waitin' on ye for so long now I can't believe you're really in there! Ye'r still a lil' baby but ye're still a true Horan and I'm so proud of ye. I can't wait to see ye and teach ye to play guitar and sing. Ye're goin' to be the coolest and most loved kid in the whole planet. I can't wait 'til I can see ye, lil' one."

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