Liam - baby on board

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''Nothing fits'' I sigh throwing yet another dress to floor.

''That's a good thing love'' Liam say picking up the mess I've created

''How is it?''

''Because our little ones getting bigger meaning they're going to be here soon'' He says resting his hand upon my stomach.

''But we're meant to go out tonight and I have nothing to wear''

''I'm sure there's something in here'' Liam laughs rifling through my closet.

''What about this?''He says holding out a black maxi dress covered in crystal beads at the top.

''That's from last summer obviously it wont fit'' I laugh shaking my head.

''Yeah but its not fitted, its really loose just try it'' He says shoving it at me.

''Since when did you know so much about clothes'' I giggle pulling the dress over my head.

surprising it seems Liam was right it flatters my massive stomach quite well and somehow manages not to make me look like a whale.

''See you look beautiful'' Liam murmurs standing behind me and wrapping his arms around my waist.

''Hmmmm not bad'' I shrug.

''Perfect'' Liam corrects pressing his lips lightly to the nape of my neck which sends shivers down my spine.

''ssssh you'' I laugh wiping away a couple of tears that had slipped unwillingly.

''Mummy's getting very emotional isn't she imagine how much of wreck she'll be when you're here'' Liam says his hand rested on my stomach looking down as if he's taking to the baby.

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