You and the kids visit him on tour

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Niall: Your son did not like the seat he was told to sit on side stage at all. He kept squirming like crazy, trying to get off the seat and tried to run on stage a few times, you were able to stop him every time, until you looked away once to answer a question that Perrie had asked you. When you turned back you saw that your son was gone and immediately stood up. "Jasper? Where are you?" Perrie nudged you then with a laugh. "Jasper just surprised Niall on stage, (YN)!" You looked out and indeed your three year old son was hugging Niall's leg and Niall just grinned as he saw you on the side stage and held up his son."This is my boy, Jasper! I didn't know that him and his mum were going to be here tonight, but now that i know they're here, how about we sing their favorite song? Luckily they both have the same favorite song! Want to help me sing, Jas?" he asked and your son grinned and soon they put sound proof headphones on him and he 'sang' into the microphone along with Niall to 'Best Song Ever'. When the song was finished, Niall let Jasper down and followed him side stage where he pulled you in for a hug. "I missed you! The baby kick yet?" You shake your head. "Niall, i'm only four months pregnant, it could still be a while before the baby kicks." Niall shrugged. "Had to try, i'll be back for the two of you after the show, yeah?" You and your son both nodded. "Yeah, see you then Ni!"

Liam: "Kevin, Brian, where do you think you two are going?" you ask your identical twin boys as they try to leave the dressing room. "We're bored mom!" You shake your head and point to the couch. "Sit, i can't chase you guys around everywhere!" Brian nodded. "Sorry mom, do you think you'll have the baby before we have to leave daddy and go back home?" you sighed. "I don't know, Bri, i hope so. Kev, why are you crying?" You followed his gaze and saw Liam in the doorway. "You guys are here!" he breathed and you nodded as the boys each hugged one of Liam's legs. "Hi dad!" they said at the same time which made both you and Liam smile. "Hi boys!" Liam made his way over to you and knelt in front of you. "And how is my lovely wife and soon to be baby doing?" You sighed. "Tired and exhausted, baby should be here soon, Li!" He smiled and kissed your belly. "You guys didn't have to visit, you know, you could've stayed home and rested." You shook your head. "No, me and the boys were bored and we wanted to be with you when our little girl was born!" Both Kevin and Brian nodded as Liam gave them a once over again. "Well, now that we're all together again, who wants breakfast for dinner?" Both of the boys jumped up with excitement. "We do! We do!" You looked at Liam and rubbed your belly. "Well, they're right, we all do!"

Louis: "Leighanne, don't you go near that, you can't touch that!" You scream as your four year old daughter makes her way around the rehearsal room. She eyed the microphone stand. "I want to sing mommy!" You shake your head and release her hands from the stand. "Not yet, okay? We've got to wait for daddy, he's almost done!" She huffed and sat down. "Fine!" you sigh. "You're a pain you know that?" That made her smile. "Just like daddy!" You nod. "Just like daddy!" "What's just like daddy?" you hear from the doorway and your daughter jumps up right into Louis' awaiting arms. "Mommy said i'm a pain just like you!" Louis cut you a look. "You really said that?" You nodded. "It's true." Louis broke out into a fit of laughter. "Yeah, it's very true! We're way alike aren't we Leigh?" She nodded. "We are! Daddy?" "Yeah, baby girl?" " I missed you!" "Well i missed you too! Were you good for mommy?" She nodded and looked at you. "I was good wasn't i mommy?" You nod. "For the most part, with the exception of a few days was all!" Louis nodded at that and Leighanne kissed his cheek. "Daddy?" "Yeah?" "Now that you're with mommy and me again, can i get a baby brother or sister now? Mommy said all that was needed for a new baby was you!" Louis looked at you. "How much do you tell this kid?" You shrug. "I tell her what you would if you were there!" That made Louis think for a minute before he nodded and looked at his daughter. "She's right, but baby girl, you gotta give me and mommy some time for a new baby, okay?" She nodded. "Okay, but don't keep me waiting forever! I don't like waiting!" Niall chose that time to walk by before laughing. "She's a mini you, Lou!" Louis grinned. "Yeah, she is!"

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Harry: "Has he said a word yet, (YN)?" your husband asks you as he sits across from your guys' ten month old son, Kendall. "Nothing yet, Harry, i'm not sure why he's waiting to talk, but he's waiting!" Harry laughed as he picked up your son. "What do you have to wait for boy?" Your son just giggled as Harry sat next to you on the couch on the tour bus. "Thanks for visiting me, (YN)! Means everything to me!" You smile. "Means everything to me too, i missed you and i know that Kendall missed you too, so it was only fair that we came to see you as soon as possible!" Harry nodded and let your son stand with him holding his hands. Harry slowly let go as your son was trying to walk and once he finally let go completely, your son took a step, then another, then another, looked back at the two of you then fell. Harry was delighted. "You get that on video, (YN)?" You smile holding up your phone. "Yeah, i got it! He just walked Harry! Our son walked!" Harry jumped up. "Yes! My son walked!" Kendall stared up at his father and clapped his hands together. "Harry!" Harry looked at you. "What?" You shake your head and point to your son. "He said it, not me! He just said your name, Harry!" Harry threw both fists up in the air. "Yes! If you guys hadn't come when you did, i would've missed this!" He picked up his son. "You were just waiting for me, weren't you?" You son just clapped his hands.

Zayn: It was soundcheck and you and your daughter were on the edge of the stage just enjoying everything around you. It was in the middle of soundcheck when a girl asked Zayn if your daughter could say hi into the microphone. He walked over carefully. "Since you guys surprised me on tour, want to surprise everyone and say hi to the girls out there, Jazmine?" Your daughter looked at you for confirmation before you nodded letting her go with her father. "I ready daddy!" she says as she waved to the other guys as Zayn lifted her to the microphone. "Hi people!" she said quietly and the crowd all 'awed'. Then another fan asked a question. "When is the new baby due?" Zayn grinned at you. "Any day now, that's actually the reason they surprised me on tour when they did, new baby Malik will arrive very soon!" "Boy or girl?" you heard and managed to get Zayn to come over to you so you could whisper in his ear. "Let Jazmine tell them!" He nodded with a grin before letting your daughter speak into the microphone. "What's the baby in mommy's tummy, Jaz?" he asked and Jazmine giggled. "I get a baby sister!" The crowd cheered at that and congratulated the two of you. "Next time you guys surprise Zayn on tour we want to see the baby!" Louis said from behind you, Niall, Liam and Harry all agreeing and Zayn shrugged his shoulders. "We'll see about that!"

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