You suprise him on tour

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One direction imagine


"Okay Princess, gotta go to soundcheck," Niall says quickly. I bite my lip, witholding from laughing and giving away with my plan. "I love you. I'll talk to you later!"

"Bye Niall. Love you, too!" I say back, quickly hanging up. I eagerly tap my foot, pretending that the train will go faster if I do. No one knows about my little surprise visit for Niall.

I got to his hotel as the concert was nearing to an end. I casually sit on the bed, knowing Niall would come in any second now. I grab a magazine and pretend I'm reading it as I hear the door open.

"(Y/N)?' I glance up, seeing Niall standing at the door, shocked. In a second he's tackled me down on the bed, kissing the life out of me. "Oh God, I've missed you so much." I giggle, as his lips trail all over my face.

He encircles me in his arms tightly.

"You aren't leaving me again, you here me?"


I bite my lip, trying to contain my smile as Paul pulls up to the boy's hotel.

"He's been really mopey lately without you," Paul says as we get out. This makes my smile grow. "He'll be enthralled to see you again."

"Two months is a long time," I say as we get into the elevator.

"He should be in his room right now. Asleep I'm guessing," he says as we get to the floor. "I'll get your bags, you just go on. Room 312." I try not to seem to eager as I bounce down the corridor. I can hear Paul chuckling behind me.

I don't even bother to knock as I throw the door open to the room.

Its completely dark out and I stumble a bit as I make my way to the bed where Louis is sprawled, dead asleep. I quietly take off my shoes and crawl in next to him.

"Mmmm.....Haz is that you? I told you to go back to your own room," he groans in his gruff morning voice.

"Think again, Tommo," I whisper. I lean up and kiss his pouting lips.

"I don't even want to ask. Just cuddle with me," he groans, throwing an arm around me and pulling me closer. I can hear him breath in my scent before falling asleep again.


"So this next song we're going to sing, is one of my favorites off the new album. And tonight I'm also dedicating it to someone across the ocean right now, waiting for me to come home in a few months. This one's for you, baby." Zayn winks to the crowd as Niall starts to play the first few chords of Little Things.

I bite my lip as Zayn starts to sing, my que to come on stage. I sneak up behind him, covering his eyes with my hands.

He continues to sing, but I can see the slight quirk of his lips. The fans are going even crazier at this. As his solo ends, he turns around with a massive smile on his lips.

"Now what are you doing here?" he asks, wrapping his arms around me. He pulls me taught against his chest and I start placing kisses around his jaw.

"Surprise," I say in a sing-song voice. I tangle my fingers in his hair as he brings the microphone back up to his lips for the chorus. He keeps one arm wrapped around my shoulders and I have both of mine wrapped his waist, cuddling into his side.

"And I'm in love with you." He takes the chance to peck my nose, making me blush. "And all these little things."


"Now for my favorite bit of the show: Twitter questions!" Liam announces. The crowd goes wild, and I'm among them. I've been sitting first row the entire concert and he still hasn't realized his own girlfriend is here.

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They go through a few questions, making the boys do silly things on stage in front of thousands. I laugh as I watch my boyfriend do the worm on stage with Harry.

"Next question is: Liam, are you that oblivious that you don't know your girlfriend has been here the whole time?" Zayn says into the microphone. I see Liam's head bop up.

"What? (Y/N)'s here?" he asks, shocked. "(Y/N)? Where are you hiding? Hello? (Y/N)?" He paces around the entire perimeter of the second stage, in search of me.

The spotlight shines directly on me as the security guards clamber me on main stage. Meanwhile, Liam is still trying to search for me in the crowd. I smile at how adorable he looks.

Finally his eyes land on me. I can see his eyes glimmer and he starts waving his hand back and forth.

"(Y/N)!" he shouts. I smile and blow him a kiss. He smiles back, pretending to catch it and press it to his own lips.


I wait in line amongst the other girls, giddy about finally meeting One Direction at the Meet & Greet. The other four boys were talking of how Harry was really moody being home sick, so they devised a plan to fly me out to surprise him.

I got to the front of the line, suddenly becoming more nervous. I haven't seen Harry in months and even though I have faith that he hasn't changed much, it still is a bit worrisome.

"Hi!" I say. Harry's eyes bulge out of his head when he lays eyes on me. He seems frozen as I take large steps towards them. "So can I get an autograph? You're my favorite Harry." The cheeky smirk that I love so much comes on to his features.

"I think you can get a little more than that, love," he says. He finally breaks free of his frozen state and picks me up, spinning me around as I laugh.

He sets me on the ground and firmly presses his lips to mine.

"You don't know how much I've missed you," he says afterwards, pressing his forehead against mine.

"Can you two continue this later? You know, when the rest of us are trying not to barf at your love fest?" Louis jokes. I stick my tongue out at him before kissing Harry one more time.

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