For @trinitybannister73 niall - ill always love you

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Driving. It came out of nowhere. Bright lights and the sound of a loud beeping horn we coming towards us. There was no time to get out of the way. Niall tried to swerve out of the way, but it was coming hard and fast when it hit my side of the car.


I felt metal penetrating my side. Glass shattered all over. All I heard was sirens before my vision went black.

I woke up with a hand holding onto mine. Niall. I tried to open my eyes but I couldn't get them to budge I knew I was in a hospital I could hear the beeping of the heart monitor. I kept trying to open my eyes but it was no use. I knew Niall was crying. I could feel his hot tears dripping onto my arm. I needed him to know I was ok. With all the strength I could possibly gather, I gave his hand a short but tight squeeze. I could feel him looking at me.

I finally somehow managed to open my eyes. As they slowly fluttered open, I saw him lift his head to look at me. We stared each other in the eyes for what felt like an eternity. A single tear ran down his cheek. I smiled wiping it away.

"I thought I'd lost you," he whispered with a sad look in his eyes. He kissed my hand gently; his familiar soft lips sent shivers down my spine. We had been together for almost three years now, but every time we touched, every time we kissed, it was magic. It was like a shock of electricity ran through my entire body. I loved him.

He looked at me waiting for me to say something. There were so many things I wanted to tell him right now but not a word came out. He searched my face for some sort of response. "Please, please say something," he sighed tears building up in his eyes again.

"I love you so much." I managed to say in barely even a whisper. I saw him look at me with a slight smile.

"I love you too."

I felt so safe with him. When I was with him the whole world disappeared. Without him I would be nothing. I couldn't live without him.

Suddenly the nurse came in and told Niall he needed to leave. He begged her to let him stay. I begged her to let him stay. She wouldn't allow it. As soon as he let go of my hand the heart monitor began to slow down, my heartbeat started to slow down. More nurses rushed in pushing Niall to the side. He watched in horror as he saw what was happening. They didn't know what was going on everything was fine and going pretty well before, until he let go. He rushed over to me pushing through the nurses not caring that he wasn't supposed to. He grasped my hand once more and the monitor began beeping again at a normal, steady pace. The nurses all looked at each other confused and baffled.

They looked at Niall and told him he needed to leave now. He began to cry and beg but they said they needed to run some tests and he could not be in the room. He let go. The monitor slowed. My heart slowed. They began fumbling with the needles and a tube connected to me trying to find out what was wrong. Niall came back over and with his simple touch it was back to normal again. The nurses stared at him shocked, he looked just as surprised.

"Well isn't that the strangest thing you ever seen?" one of the nurses with a rather strong country accent said. Niall then thought back to before the accident when we were lying in the grass outside our flat. We were admiring the stars and enjoying each other's company while he had a break from his tour. I had told him that I could not live without him. It seemed silly, almost impossible, but it was true. I really couldn't live without him, I didn't understand how just his touch could keep me alive, but it was all I needed. He smiled to himself and whispered, "I could never live without you either." I thought that the nurses would finally understand and realize he needed to stay with me.

But as if on cue, a nurse came in and escorted Niall out. I started shaking searching for his hand. My heart began to slow again as the nurses frantically tried to save me, but nothing they did could save me. I needed Niall.

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Suddenly the nurse with the accent burst through the door and asked where the blonde boy was.

"We had to get him out of here while we ran some tests but something's going wrong." The nurse with the accent shot her a glare and ran out of the room searching for the blonde boy.

"Hey! Hey Blondie!" she shouted. He lifted his head and she grabbed his arm and pulled him back to my room.

As soon as I felt his presence in the room I began to breathe normally again. The nurse with the accent smiled as she told the other nurses to beat it. She smiled at Niall and the left the room as well. I opened my eyes and smiled at the sight of him. I ripped off the tubes and IV's and tape from my body and sat up to give him a hug. He hesitated at first, worried that I had taken all of the stuff off me. But then he embraced me in a tight hug, as if he would never let go, and I didn't want him to. He pulled me into a long passionate kiss, trying to be as gentle as possible.

After what seemed like an eternity he let go, keeping his arm around my waist. He looked at me with those gorgeous baby blue eyes.

"I love you." He spoke softly.

I smiled and kissed him again. "I love you too"

I moved over and patted the open spot next to me on the bed, he hesitated for a moment but then he came over and lay down next to me. We fell asleep in each other's arms. The nurse with the accent came in and smiled at the sight of us together. She tapped Niall on the shoulder, careful not to wake me up. "You two are too cute," she said smiling, "I took a look at her files and x-rays and she will be fine. She has a broken arm and some stitches and that's it. She can go home today whenever you're ready."

"Thank you, for everything." He said smiling at her. Not long after she had left I woke up and smiled at the fact that I was still wrapped in Niall's arms. He told me what the nurse had said and as we were leaving I saw the nurse with the accent. I rushed over to her and gave her a hug. She looked surprised but smiled and hugged back.

"Thank you so much," I said smiling. "It was no problem sweetie." She said winking and she walked away.

The boys were outside the hospital waiting for us. When they saw us walking out they rushed over and gave us both hugs. I smiled and got in the car with them, holding Niall's hand the whole way home. When we got back to our flat, we all went in and ordered a pizza. We talked for hours. When the boys said their goodbyes and left, Niall and I remained on the couch. I smiled up at him.

"I love you," he spoke softly kissing the top of my head.

"I love you too." I smiled and kissed him on the lips. We fell asleep on the couch together in each other's arms.

I'm sorry if it was like super bad, it was my first one so it probably sucks but hopefully I'll get better at it. tell me what you think(: If you ever want an imagine just message me and tell me who you want your name and if you have a preference. I promise I'll try to do them all and they'll get better. If you don't like it I can redo it(;

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