Kiss it better

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Harry: Your boyfriend stumbled into your room, a pained expression crossing his features as he groaned. "Babe...I hurt my..." he mumbled, trailing off. You immediately rushed over to him, "What happened?! Where did you hurt yourself?" His eyes flickered to yours for a moment before a slightly embarrassed grin began to tug at his lips. "Well, I kind of, erm, ran into the corner of a table. Like...right in the crotch," he finished, nodding toward his lower region. Then, with an even wider grin, he added, "Kiss it better?"

Liam: "Hey, Li, I wanted to show you someth--Shit!" you yelped as your pinky toe came in contact with the coffee table. Liam was by your side in a matter of seconds, his eyes searching yours desperately, "Are you okay, babe? Do you need an ice pack or something?" After that, a continuous string of questions were soon to follow as he took complete control of the situation, as usual. "Liam, I'm fine, seriously. Just kiss it better, okay?" you giggled as his worried expression turned into a light blush.

Louis: You heard a loud 'thump' noise come from the living room, followed by a groan, "When the fuck did we get a glass door?!" You hurried out to find Louis standing by the glass door, rubbing his forehead as his eyebrows furrowed together in confusion. You couldn't help but laugh. "Er, sorry, I forgot to mention that earlier, Lou. You might want to watch out for that next time," you said, still smirking. "Well you better come over and kiss it better," Louis mumbled with that classic pout of his.

Niall: You were just slipping on your dress as you got ready for your date with Niall, completely caught off guard when he walked into your room moments later. "Get out, Niall!" you squealed, slamming the door in his face. Suddenly, you heard a string of curse words, and you realized what you'd done. "Thanks for slamming the door on my finger, Y/N!" Niall called sarcastically. You immediately opened the door, blushing like mad. "Sorry, Ni, I'll kiss it better," you assured him, offering a quick smile.

Zayn: You ran the straightener down your hair, carefully pressing it down when Zayn burst in, "Hey!" You jumped in surprise and gasped when your fingers brushed against the hot metal plates. "Ow!" you winced in pain. Zayn's grin instantly disappeared, rushing over to see if you were okay. "I-I'm so sorry, babe. Did you burn yourself?" he said, gently taking your hand in his. "A little," you mumbled with a shrug. An apologetic smile played across his lips. "Well then I probably shouldn't try to kiss it better," he chuckled.

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