Your cold

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HARRY: You two were walking down the street together. You had your arm linked around Harry's arm and his hands were in his pocket. Snow was all over the place and the temperature was freezing. You had 2 sweaters on and warm pants but you were still freezing. Harry looked down. "You cold love?" "No, I'm fine," you said rubbing your hands together. He grabbed your hands. "Jesus, you're hands are freezing." He noticed you are shaking slightly. "Y/N you have warm clothes on, how are you still cold?" You shrugged. He took his beanie off and put it on your had while holding your hands, warming them up. "Better?" You nodded as you both kept walking.

LIAM: There had been a ton of snow falling over the night and the next morning when you saw it, you woke Liam up so you could both play in it. Forgetting about putting anything warm on, you dashed outside, Liam following a few seconds behind. Liam made a snowball and threw it at you and then you suddenly felt the cold. You rubbed your arms trying to keep warm. "Here love." Liam handed you his sweater but you shook your head. "You'll freeze Li." "Just take it. I'll go get another one," he said. You put it on and noticed the sleeves were long so you knew you would get warm quick. "Thank you," you said.

LOUIS: You had been sick for the past week. You had a cough but the shivers. One minute you were cold and then next you were hot. "Lou," you said quietly. "Yes love?" "I-I'm cold," you said shaking. He put his book down and got under the covers and next to you. You curled up at his side and let out a deep breath. "You warmer now?," he asked. You nodded with a smile as you felt him kiss your forehead.

NIALL: You didn't have any heating in the house so it felt like a freezer. You had a blanket around you as well. as your warm pj's but that wasn't warming you up. "Y/N," Niall said walking up to the bed. You looked up at him. "Come with me, I found a way for us to keep warm." You got out of bed, clutching the blanket around you and he led you outside. He had a small fire going with a blanket close by to it. You both sat on it and you put the fire around the both of you. His body heat and the fire were warming you up. "Warmer?" "Yea, thank Ni," you said kissing his cheek. "We might as well camp out here tonight, I'll call tomorrow to get the heating fixed." You nodded and leaned back into his chest.

ZAYN: You had both gone for a swim in the pool. You both had fun in the shallow water splashing each other a bit and just talking. You wanted a tan and Zayn wanted to try and get over his fear of water. You got out of the pool and you felt how cold it was. You ran for your towel and wrapped it around yourself but it wasn't enough. "My God, Y/N, here." Zayn handed you his tell. "No, Zayn you need it," you said shrugging it off. "No Y/N, you need it more then me. You fingers are going purple and so are you lips." You touched your lips and felt how cold they were. "Come on, we'll go back to the car and I'll make sure to turn the heating up extra high so you and me can get warm." You nodded in agreement and he kissed your freezing lips before packing up your things.

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