The fans ask him about you

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Niall: He figured that while the fans were gathered outside the hotel in the cold weather, he might as well go and visit them. He wrapped himself up in a jacket, scarf, and beanie, then went out with some hot cocoa to give to them. There was a particular group of girls that he fell into a long conversation with about you. "Niall, where's Y/N at?" One of them asked as he walked over to hand them a steaming thing of hot chocolate. "She's at school right now, being all smart and studying and stuff." He smiled and thought back to the call from earlier that morning where you'd told him all about the exam that you had to take later. The fans asked him about what you were studying and how long you had left in school until graduation. He was happy to tell them everything about you.

Liam: You'd been ill for a few weeks. It had started out as a common cold, but then it turned out to be more serious than that. The fans were concerned about you of course, so when they saw him coming to the hospital where you were slowly recovering, they converged on him. "How is she?" "Is she getting better?" All sorts of questions were fired on him about how you were feeling. "Yeah, she's getting better. She told me that she's seen all the tweets and they're cheering her up, so thank you all for that." Liam smiled his adorable squinty-eyed smile at them, touched that they cared so much for you.

Zayn: He knew that a lot of the time, the fans were jealous of whoever any of them was in a relationship with, so he honestly expected a good majority of the fans to hate you. What he never expected was for them to accept you as well as they did, and asking him questions about you. "Is she a good kisser?" One girl asked him with a sigh after he'd been telling them about you in a dreamy tone. He chuckled and glanced over his shoulder to where you were talking to some other fans. "She's the best. Kissing her is like breathing." He told the fan goodbye and walked over to you, touching the back of your neck lightly and leaning in to kiss you.

Louis: He smiled and laughed when some of the fans mentioned your name. "What's the smile for?" They asked him as the widest grin appeared on his face. "What smile." He reached up to cover it with his hands. The fan that was right in front of him laughed and pointed at his face, "That huge ass smile right there. Does she make you really happy?" He ducked his head, looked down at his shoes as he admitted, "Y/N makes me the happiest I've ever been."

Harry: "Is she as pretty as she is in the pictures?" A young fan asked. "Even prettier, believe it or not." He signed the poster she handed to him with a grin and a flourish. "Is she coming to see you on tour?" Another girl asked as Harry turned to face her. He nodded and leaned in for a picture. "Have you asked her to marry you, or was that just a rumor?" The girl cocked an eyebrow at him. "It's true," Harry mumbled and brushed his hair out of his face. "We haven't started planning the wedding yet, but it's going to happen when tour's over. The planning, not the wedding." All the fans that heard his words sighed, "She'll be such a beautiful bride."

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