Chapter 49 - Fallen

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Gabriella POV

"GO!" Ryker yelled as Eve and I ran, we dodged the dummies sent in our way, "focus and learn how they work, dodge them not because you have to save them but also yourself"

I punched the side of the abdomen as the dummy hunched down but hit my leg throwing me down.

Dummies is what I love to call Ryker's new programmed men.

"Emmy you need to focus and defend yourself!"

"Easy for you to say!" I yelled, "I studied their behaviour in the evening and you moron have updated the version of your dummies!"

"Quit whining and focus" I glared at him and the dummy hit right to my face.

Damn it felt so real. Ryker had made a software using the holograms and stimulation. He inserted all of the fighting techniques of each known assassins world wide, even our techniques. It was like fighting my own self sometimes.

"Energy level reduced to 60%" the dummy infront of me spoke.

"These are not humans Ryker!" Eve yelled, "even after punching them, their energy is reduced by only 5% while our energy is reduced by 50%"

"You will be fighting alone Eve against at least 15 men, so the energy drained by each person will be 5% compared to the person fighting alone" Ryker reasoned out.

I roundhouse kicked the dummy as another kicked my stomach.

"You are only draining your energy by maximising the power of a technique to fight one opponent when there are another few more opponents to deal with, babygirl" Ryker spoke watching us train, "you need to think before you act, whether to drain your energy by 30% by maximising the power to fight one man or to use few simple yet quick techniques that drains your energy by 5% to fight 5 men"

Sighing I sat down as Ryker stopped the dummies coming my way, I watch Eve stopped hers too.

"Zane and Alek will be here for the next part of training" he informed leaving us behind.

"What do you think the next part is?" Eve shrugged throwing a bottle my way

"Knowing Ry for almost 12 years, he would either choose to torture them or trap them in something using his computer hacks in order to test our survival rates, I mean you and I would do anything to save them"

"Right" I affirmed it, "but would Ryker go as far as to torture them just for a training?"

"Definitely" we turned back, "in order for you two to become the best I would do anything" we stood up and walked to the three of them, "wear this"

"What is this?"

"This band connects you and Alek, the physical pain you will feel when you get hurt, he will feel it too--

"Even if you are far apart?"

"No, it is only in this room, the program doesn't work for long distances"

"So if they feel what we feel, what are you planning on doing?" Eve questioned, "we haven't done anything like this"

"You will fight against all the programmed holograms to get to them, you can shoot or combat with them but remember when you are shot or hurt, they feel it too, when your energy drains, their energy drains too until you save them, you two will be one and only after you save them, their energy will be maximised until then they are good as dead and if you die half way through, your partner dies too"

"That's all?" I raised my eyebrow, "you have more don't you?"

"You have exactly 20 minutes to fight all the men and save your partner who will be going through intense torture for every minute you waste until you save them"

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