Chapter 30 - Watching from the sides

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Ethan POV

"QUICK ALEK!" I jumped out of the car before he even had the time to stop the car, Alek pushed open the door and ran to his Ferrari which was in fire

"FUCK!" he cursed, "the doors are sealed shut and both of them is unconscious" we coughed as the smoke grew stronger,

"We can't use this Alek" Zane cried as he put the pole down, "I made the windows to withstand that"

Gabriella and Sia were inside the car, and the fire seems to grow, "We don't have much time Alek" I pointed at the fire, we all stepped back as the fire growled in our direction,

It was like the fire wasn't letting us to save them, I felt the pain of losing someone closer to me and I can't lose someone like that again

"MOVE!" Louis came with a fire extinguisher and sprayed it. Alek walked to Gabriella's side and picked her up and Louis did the same to Sia.

Dr. Charlie was already here, after the guys placed them on the stretcher, he put the oxygen masks on the two girls. Alek got in one ambulance with Gabriella and Blaze with Sia.

Zane and I took Alek's car while the rest took the Chevrolet.

"Ethan" I hummed, "don't you think we are missing something here?"

"What do you mean Zane?"

"Xavier, according Louis he should be there, but just minutes before our arrival he had been shifted and now we are back square one" he sighed as he turned to the hospital car park

"Is there something bothering you Zane?" he ran his hands through his hair as he parked the car and we got out

"I think someone from the inside is selling the information out, I mean how did they exactly know that Gabbs was here?"

Gabriella, I know who she is but in order to keep her safe I had to lie to my friends, the closest ones to whom I can call family. But her betrayal is much stronger than the love we have for her and I know Alek wouldn't be able to cope with that, so I choose to stay silent instead

We walked to the emergency center of our hospital, where Alek had his head on his hands, Louis leaned on the chair and the rest standing. Zane grabbed my shoulder, I looked at him questionedly.

"We'll talk about this to Alek after she is fine" Zane muttered, "he is still feeling guilty that he hasn't told her anything yet, even if he doesn't believe that he has already fallen for her, you and I both know that this is the closest he has ever got to any girl after Emmeline"

That's because Gabriella is exactly like the girl Alek fell in love with. The doors opened as Dr. Charlie walked out, Alek was on his feet

"Ms. Valencia is okay she passed out due to lack of oxygen but I am afraid it isn't Ms. Gabriella case"

"What do you mean Charlie?"

"It was like her body and mind wanted her to shut down, according to Ms. Valencia she passed out as soon as she saw something, she seems to have a bad past experience with it that her defense mechanism worked to shut her mind out"

The nurses walked out of the theatre, "They will be put in room 504 and Mr. Royal," we all looked at Charlie, "Ms. Gabriella is not awake"


I watched as Louis and Alek come in and go out repeatedly, they not only managed the Mafia but they played a role in the outside world. They have to take care of their corporations too.

Blaze came in with Sia after she took a walk outside, he walked her to her bed that was beside Gabriella who was in deep sleep.

"When do you think she will wake up?" her voice was strained as she stared at her. All Sia said was that she passed out when her eyes fixed on something and nothing else. Daniel and Javen were here the moment they found out about her and they refused to leave her alone.

"You guys go home, I'll stay here" Blaze informed as he eyed me and Zane who had been here for the whole week, he didn't ask the Dark Angels to leave since their stoic faces were enough for Blaze to look away without questioning them

"I am fine here" I answered

"I am staying here until she gets her ass up and smiles at me" Zane didn't want to leave Gabriella, he feels guilty because he suggested Alek about taking Gabriella to the race.

What would happen if he finds out? Will he hate her or will he protect her?

"Do you love her man?" Blaze questioned as Sia looked at all of us

"Yes I love her" he answered

"I didn't know that you loved her?" Blaze inquired, I watched as Zane started admiring her

"She is beautiful, intelligent, and funny" he smiled, "a pain in my ass, of course I love her what is there not to love when she is everything I wanted in a sister"

"I was going to kill you if you hadn't put that sister part" Alek's voice cut through the air.

"You look like shit" I commented

"No shit Ethan" he walked to Gabriella and sat on the chair beside her bed, staring at her, he stood up and placed a kiss on her forehead, "wake up amore (love)"

"What happened Alek that you suddenly had to go to the headquarters?" Zane eyed him

"Some files from the record room is missing" he hissed, Sia had fallen asleep, she refused to go to her place, Alek looked at the Dark Angels who nodded their heads understanding that no information talked here could be leaked out since they refuse to leave Gabriella's side

"Blaze I need you to find the files that missing and what was in those files" he nodded and left the room as Louis, Damon and Ria walked in "Ethan" I hummed looking at him from the laptop, "find who entered the company and who had been to the record room in the past two months and make a list"

"On it" suddenly the heart monitor started rising

"What's happening?" Damon questioned as Charlie rushed in

"She needs to calm down" he said as the nurse injected some liquid, we were all looking at Alek as he held her hands, Sia had buried her face in Ria who were looking at Gabriella, who was crying in her sleep, "her heart isn't taking it well"

I should have never told the lie to Alek three years, I should have told him Logan's real daughter but this was the only way to bring them closer and this was the only way to accomplish the mission he gave.

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