Chapter 25 - Toxic

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Alek POV

I knew she was toxic when I saw her. I knew she would be the end of me. I knew that woman would wrap me around her fingers if I get closer to her, because there was no prevention for what was to come.

I cannot let her burn me up nor do I have the power to resist her. No human can stand in a fire and not be consumed.

"Good morning!" she glided through the stairs happily.

I knew it was a matter of time before Logan is killed, he was one of the targets and his death was inevitable but I was prolonging it because of her, not because he was her father but I felt like she wanted him for something.

"You are so excited to go to college" Ethan grumbled, she walked to the table and sat in front of Ethan

"That's because you are going with me" she winked and smiled at him

I wanted that smile she gave Ethan and the rest of the guys, I wanted a smile that was only for me, I wanted a taste of her lips, I wanted to feel her lips on mine as I kiss her until we both are breathless, I wanted to feel her body on me, to memorize all her curves and edges.

I don't understand why it has to be her?

"I am there too" Zane mumbled

"Didn't say you weren't" she sipped the gross vegetable juice Blaze handed, she was used to it as her eyes didn't crunch in disgust, I stood up and washed my plate, by the time I walked to the table Blaze was sitting on my chair and was smirking, I rolled my eyes and sat on the chair beside Gabriella.

"Why isn't Sia here yet?" she looked from the corner of the eye

"I called her she is on the way" I told and wiped the juice that was in the corner of her lips with my thumb and licked it off,

"Wait a minute" I glared at Blaze whose eyes widen as did Gabriella's, "all this time she was drinking banana juice and we three," I pointed at Ethan, Zane and myself, "were drinking that nauseating vegetable drink?"

"Oh look at the time Alek we are getting late!" he said as Gabriella stuffed the pancake in her mouth


"I am here!" Sia strolled in and eyed Gabriella, "tell me you are not wearing that?"

"What's wrong with this?" she raised her eyebrow at Sia,

She was wearing a black denim and loose blue blouse. She had a simple yet dangerous look.

"Feels like going with Valeria all over again" she muttered and grabbed Blaze's fork and filled her mouth with the pancake.

We all piled out of the house as I grabbed Gabriella's wrist holding her back while I locked the door. The guys went to take the Chevrolet and the Ferrari out of the garage, Sia went along with them seeing me hold Gabriella back.

I leaned against the door and pulled her to me, "Alek" her soft voice was enough for me to sigh, "what's wrong?" her concerned eyes looked at me.

"She is not the girl you think she is and don't think for a second that she is some fragile girl"

Matteo's words rang in my mind, my hunch was right there was more to Gabriella than I know

"Nothing" I answered as I released her.

And I at least have to take attempts to stop falling, for I wasn't sure whether I was falling for Gabriella or because she reminds me of her.


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