Chapter 59 - Taking the first step

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Nicholas POV

I crept down slowly from the bed in the morning and walked to the washroom, Emmy was fast asleep. My phone vibrated so I looked at the message

She is asleep

Smirking to myself, I sneaked out of the room and met Kae halfway down the kitchen, we chuckled at each other and walked down the stairs, the rest of the others asleep.

"Are you sure?" he questioned whispering,

"I don't want Ryker to tail Emmy" I answered back, "even the thought of him makes my sane mind go insane"

"I thought you were already insane" he chuckled, I punched his shoulder slightly,

"Yeah, yeah blame it all on me" I stuck my tongue out at him, working on disabling the tracker in Emmy's body with Ethan who wasn't speaking a word with us because we woke him up

"Real mature Nick" he rolled his eyes, "did we ever thought that they will be back in our arms, loving each other to our hearts content?"

"I stopped believing in love, the moment she went out of my grasp I remembered the moment that I shot her, my mind of void of any emotion, like she sucked the life out of me, and when you stop believing it, you become the monster"

"Like you did"

"Like I did" I affirmed it, "I don't know how you held onto the hope and love you felt for Eve" I shook my head

"I wanted to let go of it too, but I couldn't, its like whatever I did to forget her, would only bring her back to my memories but either way I am glad that both Eve and Emmy are back and I am glad that Emmy could bring back to soft side of you because I would do anything to make sure you don't get back to the monster you were Nick" he pat my back, "that guy was hell lot of scarier than the person standing next to me"

The monster that was born never dies Kaeden, that monster is still residing in my body, it is just that monster is in deep hibernation. But I couldn't exactly voice out that opinion because Kae would make sure that my monster never woke up, but I needed that monster.

"Alright let's get to work" I said instead, "we need to be back in our rooms before anyone wakes up"

"You just want to cuddle with your girl"    

"As if you don't" I scoffed

"Guys there is a problem, we can't disarm the tracker without tipping off Ryker, he is using one of the softwares that needs many encryption keys"

"Can't you just do your thing?"

"Nope it is an encryption algorithm that allows only the right person to unlock and decrypt the data"

"So basically you are saying we can't get rid of it?"



I was back in bed when princess started to groan, I rubbed circles in her back as she relaxed into my body.

"Good morning" she was still tired from last night

"Actually it is good afternoon princess" I gave her a lopsided smirk as she looked up at me with her amber gold eyes, she yawned and snuggled into me, as if it was even possible. I wrapped my arms around her tightly yet gentle at the same time, her body fixed perfectly to my built figure.

"I want to see Eve" she whispered, "I feel like I haven't seen her in ages"

"It was only one day princess"

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