Chapter 70 - Walk into my memory

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Emmeline POV

Ethan and I walked side by side, "He will get the antidote right?" He nodded and held my hand tightly

"He will be safe ninja" he smiled assuring me of his safety, "the people who owe the two of you will save him don't worry"

"What did Ryker say?"

"To let you do what you want to do, you were right, there is someone who knows you inside out"


Ethan grabbed my wrist, "Call me right away if something happens and stay closer till we know where exactly Nick is" I nodded.

Sorry Ethy, I have a different plan

I started walking away from them, so that I wouldn't put them at risk, Eve starting to argue back was my signal to go. I knew Ryker wouldn't let everyone of us in and he will do anything to tear us apart so I had to leave them behind.

What I wasn't ready for was Ethan's and Kyle's arrival, they literally crashed my plans.

"Where do you think you are going ninja?" he jumped in front of me

"Jesus Ethan!" I shrieked, he smack his finger on my forehead, "What?!"

"No saying Lord's name in vain" he smirked as he crossed his hands, "now tell me what are you planning on doing?"

I shook my head, "I am not planning anything, I was just waiting"

"Knowing you my dear sis, we know that all that happened earlier was a distraction" Kyle smirked, "and I already told you, I am not allowing you to do this alone"

"Ninja stop lying to me, you slipped up the moment you and Eve started arguing and when Eve compared you to Elizabeth, something that shouldn't ever happen unless something was up with you guys"

Maybe I could use his involvement with them to our advantage

"I need you to take me to Ryker"

"No way in hell!"

"Ethan listen, you and I both knew Ryker was never in our side, you may have known it from the beginning but just couldn't voice it out because you had to maintain your cover under them, but it wasn't the same for me-

"I know" he said, "you wanted to believe that Ryker was not that person, you wanted to believe that he was the guy who protected you and I am sorry that it isn't the case" he hugged me, "Ninja I won't let you go there alone, I lost you and couldn't protect you years ago so I won't let it happen again" I hugged him back, "so tell me what's the plan?"

"I already told you that I didn't like that Ryker guy" Kyle huffed

"I don't know how he survived with Santiago, oh no wait he had his cover blown up from the beginning and that says something" Ethan chuckled, "ninja don't worry Eve and Carlos will handle the rest so go on tell your plan"

"I need you to take me to their base, just inform them that the gang was separated and I am wandering alone in the woods and ask for backup"

"I may seem like I work for them ninja but they wouldn't blindly trust me unless I prove it to them especially Ryker since he know deep down I am protective of you"

"Make them think that if they don't send backup right away, they will lose the chance because I have requested special backup from other mafias"

"Have you?"

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