Chapter 17 - Attitude

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Gabriella POV

Five days passed by, five days since I locked myself in the room they had given me, five days without water or food, five days just watching the sun rise and fall giving the space for the moon to rise and fall.

Five days since I talked to anyone in this house, five days where everyone came into the room or just stood by the door idling like Ethan and five days since I saw Alek, he was in the house but never checked on me.

Zane tried to feed me, he was the only one who tried to get me to laugh with his stupid annoying jokes but I wasn't in the mood at all, his eyes held regret for he couldn't do anything.

Logan had taught me to go on days and weeks without any water or food and be in the dark, he made me do it, but this time it was difficult with the nightmares that left me gasping for air.

"Ms. Gabriella" the door opened and Levin walked in with a food tray

"Please leave Levin" I said as I brought the blanket closer to my body, Blaze left me some clothes after seeing that I was wearing the same outfit from the party

"Ms. Gabriella you need to eat something" his voice concerned

"I am not hungry"

"Ms. Gabriella—

"How is father?" I asked cutting him, I knew Levin was still working undercover at Scythe

"He is fine and searching for you Ms. Gabriella"

Of course he would for he lost his greatest asset

"And Bryan?" I looked at him

"He is doing fine but there has been a bullet in his left shoulder so he is taking medication and everyone else along with him is searching for you" he answered sadly.

Alek had Levin to take all my personal belongings away, even my locket and that was why I had a hard time sleeping

"Are they any close to finding me Levin?"

"No I am sorry Ms. Gabriella"

Was I happy that they were having a hard time?

"So you were lying from the beginning isn't it Levin? you told Alek everything about the day we went back to that room" I questioned as he shook his head vigorously

"It is true that my loyalty is and still is with him but since that day you showed your kindness and compassion to me Ms. Gabriella I vowed that I would always protect you from all dangers" his answer was honest

"But you told everything to him didn't you Levin?" I asked sadly as he nodded

"The playful man you met in Philippine isn't Mr. Alek" he spoke, "he is more ruthless, dangerous and cold hearted Ms. Gabriella, so I request you don't aggravate him, he isn't forgiving"

"I am not scared of him Levin—

"You should be Ms. Gabriella he gets what he wants and will stop at nothing even if it means killing someone" he said as if he witnessed it himself

"Do you know anything about Case 3M2RNUSC?"

"I am sorry but I cannot say that I do" he said and walked to the door, "Mr. Alek wanted you to finish that tray today"

"He can go fuck himself" I seethed, his name itself somehow got on every damn nerve of my body today.

I didn't like that he was the person who was using me for his own gain. I may owe him that but that doesn't mean I like that it was happening.

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