Chapter 19 - Escape but?

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Gabriella POV

I didn't go down for dinner and neither did anyone come up, Alek had ordered Damon to take Ria and Sia back home. Levin was stationed outside my door and there were guards placed around the house and under my window. Overall I was locked up.

I was pacing in the room looking for anything to keep me sane. The door was locked and the only thing that kept me entertaining was the TV, I sighed and plopped myself on the comfy bed.

I didn't like the new Alek at all and all I wanted was to get out now.

I need to get out of here, I jumped from my bed and locked the door, I slowly opened the window and looked down, three floors! But it seems like 7!

Two guards were right below the window, they should be changing in 3. 2. 1.

And right then they walked out, 30 seconds before the next guys come, quickly putting my legs around the pipe, I slid down it praying that it doesn't break.

I ran and ran until I was in the forest a bit far away from the house, I watched the next guards positioned themselves. I loosened my hair letting it down as I ran and walked to the main streets. I stretched my hand out as a truck stopped in front of me

"Please help me I need to get to Sky Avenue"

"Get on" the young man said as I opened the door and leaned on the seat, "you seem tired" I nodded.

"Andrew?" a voice came from the radio, "what happened?"

"A girl needed some help" he shrugged off and turned into the street

"Wait a minute" he said, "yes... what do you mean she is not there?... find her...I don't care how find her!"

Holy Shit Alek was on the phone? And I am currently riding with one of his friends?

Stupid don't you remember him mentioning Andrew, the clean up guy.

"You can stop here" I smiled sweetly

"But Sky Avenue is far from here?"

"I can manage" he nodded and stopped the truck, I muttered a quick thanks and walked away as quick as possible, blending in the crowd.

Suddenly men were flowing from everywhere, really?! I groaned. They were looking at their phones then at the people, they lifted the hoodies of people. They didn't have guns, they couldn't risk their names.

But how am I going to fight them? I walked into the alley next to the shop avoiding the three men that walked by, I need to run faster if I need to get out of here and that is what I did.

I placed my hands on my knees, breathing heavily,

Fucking great?!

The men from earlier and a few other men ran towards me, looks like I have to fight, I punched and punched, bending down when fists came flying at me.

"Can't you just let me go?!" I yelled as I jabbed his nose, "Damn you for having a stone nose!"

I roundhouse the two men, I grabbed the pole and hit the six men. They had a tattoo in their wrist, like a bracelet with initials SS written. My eyes widen as more men came from the sides.

I am going to kill myself! This is why you need to fill your stomach before you decide to run away.

They were all targeting me from all sides, "I see we meet again love" I narrowed my eyes at the green-eyed man

"What the fuck do you want?!"

"Simple it's you" he smirked,

"I am not going anywhere with you" I snapped

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