Chapter 72 - The Viotto Family

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Emmy POV

I looked at him perplexed, "Henry Viotto?" he nodded, "I never heard anyone mentioning his name"

"That's because no one knows what happened to him after he met his wife"


"Princess Emmeline" his tone changed, he seemed to be cautious, "what you are going to learn now is the truth about what happened that night, the night that King Howard and Queen Nolena was killed" he watched me and sighed, "Princess Emmeline?"


"Everything that seemed to be right and trustworthy all this time might suddenly change for you" I furrowed my eyebrows, "nothing will ever be the same again for you or Nicholas"

"What do you mean by that?"

"Prince Henry is Nicholas's biological father and Nylah Viotto is his wife, they are the creators of the A Project and Queen Nolena was the first successful test subject"

"Does Nick know? Where is he now? How is Nick?" thousands of thoughts were running through my mind thinking about what would happen if Nick learns about this.

"Calm down child, he is with Nicolai"

"Nico knows" he nodded, "how?"

"He learnt the truth about his mother when he saved Amyelia"

"What happened to him?"

"Prince Henry first stumbled into the royal territory during the war, the Great Queen couldn't leave him stranded so she took him in and treated his wounds, but Prince Henry couldn't remember anything about where he came from, how he ended up in the royal territory so the family decided to adopt him since he was only 3 years and at that time King Howard wasn't born"

"What happened next?"

"Prince Henry was groomed and taught all the royal rules and regulations but exactly 1 year King Howard was born, and since he has royal blood running through his veins, naturally the Crown Prince title goes to him" he stated, "it wasn't an issue until the year King Howard turned 23 years, Prince Henry was already 26 and he had already started his secret research"

"Didn't the Great King and Queen know about it?"

"They didn't have any idea, neither did anyone else because Prince Henry was always an introvert until that day when Howard and I stumbled upon the papers in his room"

"What papers?"

"People who have been going missing a few months ago were in that paper"


"King Howard and I were investigating why there were people who have been going missing because the police had pinned the blame on the mafia, and at that time we didn't have a very good grasp on them because of the internal wars happening, that was until we realized there has been similar cases from the day he turned 18"

"What has King Howard's age has to do with the people going missing?"

"To be specific since the day he was announced as King-in-training" we walked further into the corridor and the walls started to familiar, "feel connected to this place?"


"In that papers were the same photos of people that were missing and in those papers were a detailed description of the analysis of the test subject and observations"

I touched the brick walls, feeling the roughness and dust in them, "You learnt that Prince Henry was behind it"

"Yes, but we couldn't do anything because we lacked evidence since Great King valued Prince Henry as his own child and he always wants solid evidence behind every claim anyone brings to him"

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