Chapter 65 - Mixed Emotions

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Nicholas POV

Flashback 2 days before

"Nicholas" I turned around to look at princess, "have you ever thought for a second what it would be like without me in this world?" she looked at me as I took her hands in mine

"Why would you think like that princess?" I kissed her hand and she stared at me, "do you think that it would make any difference? If it wasn't you then someone else would be here with me, her soft hands in mine" I smirked chuckling at her face

"I hate you" she swat her hand away and pushed me to the bed and climbed on top of me and started hitting me hard, "I hate you! I hate you" she mumbled as I chuckled, "yeah it wouldn't make much difference because instead of you someone else, someone much hotter and handsome than you would be next to me, touching me and loving me, it doesn't have to be you, I could easily find someone else, like Derek besides he was the one my dad chose for me" she rambled out, in one swift motion, I pinned her under me, I glared at her smirking face, "what is it Nicholas? Are you jealous?"

"Very" I stated as I kissed her lips roughly, telling her that she only belongs to me, our tongues fought and teased each other until I could no longer control my need for her so I pinched her side making her shriek and letting me have control over her

"Asshole" she mumbled as I pulled back smirking, she draped her legs around my torso, taking her with me I laid back on the bed, she sat on top of me and traced her fingers on my jawline, "I am being serious here Nicholas, what if there comes a day when you have to choose between me and your life, what would you choose?"

I settled my hands on her waist, "I would choose my life" she smiled, "because only if I am alive would I be able to save you"

She sighed and laid on my body, her lips pressed on mine, she pulled back and stared at me with her golden flecked amber eyes, "if that day ever comes promise me something?"


"No matter what you would always choose your life over mine" I stared at her confusedly, "promise me Nick" she held out her pinky

"Then promise me that you wouldn't do anything that would put your life in danger"

"I promise" she said and I wrapped my finger around her pinky

"I promise" she kissed my lips, "where are all these sentimental feelings coming from?"

She traced her fingers on my jaw, "Don't know"

"I'll be right here with you princess" I hugged her, "we'll get through this"

"I am scared" she whispered, "they don't want only me but you too"

I took her face in my hands, "It doesn't matter who wants me because as long as you and I are together, it doesn't matter even if I am being dragged to hell. I only need you and it will always be only you" I kissed her, sparks kindling wherever she trailed her fingers on my body, her touch brought me to life so did it relinquish my beast, "once I am yours, I am yours. I will stay committed to you and only you. No one else matters"

She traced her fingers on my scars kissing each one, "what happened?" I gripped her wrist as she went to touch the burnt marks, "whoever did this to you.." she held my face in her hands, "I want to kill him"

"I love you" she blinked but let me drop the matter.

"I love you" but she deserves to know and just like that I let her see the other part of me.

"Father" I called him, he turned around with the cigarette between his two fingers, there were dark circles under his eyes

"What is it Nicholas?" he sounded tired, I was happy that my father was with me, but I couldn't deal with Ma's loss, I wanted revenge,

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