Chapter 57 - Seeing them made me realize

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Evelana POV

It all happened in seconds, although everyone ran to them, we were late. When she fell back, Nick jumped with her. It took us a few seconds to register what happened, Ryker was the first one to go down, we followed him shortly. None of us dared to look down from the rooftop, all we had hope was for them to be alive.

The sight of a big red mattress, that was used for some event was placed right there, washed relief all over my body. Ryker and Kaeden ran to them with the rest of the guys. Emmy was wrapped around Nick's body, practically she was on top of him, the fall had made Emmy unconscious but Nick was okay. Ryker bend to help Emmy off Nick.

"Don't even think about it" Nick's voice was void of any emotions except anger and disappointment, he didn't want Ryker to hold Emmy that was for sure, "Kae, Ethan" he nod at them, slowly the two of them helped Emmy up as Blaze and Damon helped Nick up.

The Escalade pulled in front of us, "Ethan take my car, take Ryker and my sisters with you" he ordered, Ryker didn't say a word, he knew now was not the time to fight with Nick.

His eyes met mine, "No don't Ry you left her and me alone and even if you think you did it for us, it was purely for yourself, you were selfish and don't put the blame on us"

Kaeden watched our exchange as the others were getting inside the Escalade and Nick's car.

"I am sorry Eve" he apologized, "I didn't have anyone to talk to about this and it is weighing me down"

"You are only saying sorry to get the guilt off you" I chuckled, "neither one of us will ever forgive you Ryker, you will have to deal with it for the rest of your life, because Emmy and I have been tortured enough for the rest of our lives"

I walked to Kae with that been said, it felt like a weight was lifted off me, all these times I felt grateful for Emmy and Ry for saving my life, but that doesn't erase the fact that he left us.

"You okay love?" Kae looked at me, I nodded in response. He kissed my forehead and wrapped his arms around me, my eyes wandered to Emmy who was laying on Nick's lap, "she will be fine, she is one hell of a tough woman"

"I couldn't agree more" I cuddled more to him as we got in the Escalade, "thank you Nick"

"I knew you didn't want to be around Ryker for a while" his gaze was solely fixed on Emmy, anyone would envy the love in his eyes he had for this girl.

I relaxed myself to Kae's side, he clutched my hand in his big hands. Emmy was only passed out and that was enough for me to pass out in Kae's side.


The lights blinded my eyes the moment I opened them, laying on my side was Kaeden with his laptop in his lap. His eyes met mine at the slight movement.

"You slept the whole day" he chuckled putting his laptop to the side, "I had to watch you sleep for more than 10 hours"

I smiled at him and placed my hand around his torso, "I missed you"

"I love you" I stilled at his words, he soothed my hair, "I loved you my whole life Evelana Lancashire, you became a reason for me to wake up every day and I am not wasting anymore time, I lost you once but not anymore, I am not taking any chances with you gone again, I don't want to regret not saying the words to you because seeing Nick and Emmy made me realise that anything could happen in a short while" he laid down and locked his eyes with mine, his eyes were filled with love and admiration, "you survived through the worst and I am sorry I wasn't by your side, but now I promise you that I will try my best to stay with you through all the good times and bad times in your life until you chase me away but even after that I will come after you because you are my zing" I giggled that he used the word Zing from Hotel transylvania, he is so obsessed with that movie, "I love you" he kissed my lips softly, tasting every inch of me, his hands roamed through my body.

My body fell rigid on his touch as I remembered the men who touched me.

"Eve baby breathe" his voice calmed me down, "breathe baby breathe I am here"

"I am sorry Kaeden"

"Sshh" he said as I cried into his chest, "don't apologise you'll be fine, we'll be fine as long we are together, no one can hurt you" he pulled my body to him, "sleep"

He kissed my forehead.

"I love you too"


I touched the side of the bed, it felt cold under my touch.


I walked to the bathroom and brushed my teeth. Walking out of it, I grabbed my clothes and dressed up just in time someone knocked on the door.

"Good afternoon" he smiled at me, "your friend just got up too" I ran to the door at the mention of Emmy, "and there she goes forgetting about her boyfriend" I smiled and backtracked and kissed his cheek.

"Sorry but Emmy comes before you" I mumbled under my breath and walked out.

"Heard that!" he yelled.

I opened the door of Emmy's room and my eyes widen at the two people in the room, "Jesus Christ!!" I turned my back to them, "I am sorry my bad"

"What's wrong?" Kaeden walked in front of me and looked behind, but before he could get a glimpse of Emmy, I covered my boyfriend's eyes.

"Close the door" Nick's commanding voice automatically put my hands on the doorknob to close the door.

I shook my head, it will take some time to get the image out of my head but I smiled Emmy was back and Nick seems to make sure she is welcomed back.

"What's with you three?" Kae looked at me skeptically.

"I came at a bad time to a room of two lovebirds who saw each other after a long time" Kaeden seemed to understand what I said and he laughed at my flushed face.

"Oh my sweet innocent girl saw something she shouldn't have seen" he cooed

"Fuck off Kaeden"

"Oh and the aggressive girlfriend is back" he chuckled as I huffed walking away from the door and him.

What a great day to start!

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