Chapter 20 - Blur

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Alek POV

"What did you find Ethan?"

"Czar has being hired to abduct Gabriella by an anonymous person" he said as Zane and Blaze took their seats in the room.

"Anything who that person might be?" Zane questioned

"No idea, they know what they are doing and it always end up frying my laptop when I trace them back" he was irritated, "Czar wasn't the only one coming behind her Alek"

"Who else?"

I didn't waste more than two years finding her only for someone to take her away.

"Everyone in the underworld, they know who Gabriella is and her importance"

"I thought no one knew her except the five families?" Blaze asked confusedly

"Is one of the families giving information out because Joaquin El Chapo is the highest bidder? Along with the Corsican Mafia and Inzerillo Mafia Clan"

"This is not good Alek remember Matteo Escobar?"

"The mastermind of genocide?" Zane asked and I nodded

"He is personally leading the Czar"

"This is not good news at all" Blaze muttered,

"I don't know but with the Slovakians, Africans, Arabians, Corsicans and basically the whole underworld after her something is bound to happen Alek" Ethan stated

"Get me Roy Costello on the line it is time for him to repay" I said, "Good afternoon Costello"

"Nicholas Viotto?"

"Roy what about those weapons?"

"Everything is ready to go, but there is something I want you to know"


"The Czar payed billions to buy the automated guns and the more than fifty grenades and loads of ammos so did the Corsicans, the Lanzetta Brothers, Luppino Crime family and the United Ruth"

"Roy do you know anything?"

"Alek there happens to be a girl who is some key"


"Gabriella Marcello is the girl that has the codes to the underworld's most secured safes Alek, everyone wants her"

I looked at the guys, "Roy how did you know her name?"

"Everyone knows her name Alek, there was someone who mailed us her details, I don't know who but the Czar has been going around looking for her"

"Was there anything else?"

He was shuffling, "Only that Gabriella Marcello is being targeted"

"Why?" he answered with the same details we already know. "Thank you Roy and I hope my weapons come this Sunday"

"Of course Alek"

Ethan cut off the connection as we all looked at each other. The game for the hunt was began and she was not ready at all

"ALEK! ETHAN! ZANE! BLAZE!" Damon's voice cut our trance, "GUYS! COME SOON!"

All of us pushed our chairs back and ran to the gym room where Gabriella was shaking and crying hysterically. She had her face covered in her knees.

"GO AWAY!" she yelled as Damon touched her shoulder, we all flinched, her crying was getting more and more louder.

"What happened?" I eyed Damon

"We were doing push-ups and then I took her to the target practicing when she stood still looking at the guns and knives, she walked to the bow and arrows and practiced in it, she was excellent in that so I told her to take the pistol but she hesitated," he looked at Gabriella who was shaking, "but she took it and fired but once she did that, she started crying and ran from the weaponry practice room so I ran behind her but she was damn fast, fortunately I heard cries and here she was shaking and crying"

"Gabriella" I inched closer to her

"No! no please!" she cried as she rocked back and forth, I kneeled in front of her

"Princess look at me" I whispered as the guys backed away, she slowly looked up, her glassy amber eyes pleading, "you are with me baby calm down"

"I...I" she whimpered, "I shot her" she cried

"You didn't shoot anyone baby" she backed away from my touch, I don't know why but it hurt seeing her like this.

I wasn't supposed to feel this way when I was the one using her.

"I hurt her" she was taking quick breaths

"Gabriella baby breathe" she stared at me still crying, "you didn't hurt anyone so look at me and breathe"

"I hu—

"Princess take deep breaths look" I inhaled and exhaled as she mirrored me, "once more okay"

"Ryker I—

She fell on my hands, I put my hands under her lifting her in bridal style, "Call Doctor Charlie"

"On it" Ethan said.

What was her connection to Ryker Randez, the heir of the Western Kingdom?


"She doesn't have enough energy in her Mr. Viotto" Dr. Charlie stated, "Her body has been going through some rough times has she being seeing nightmares?"

"I am not sure Dr. Charlie" I stared at the steady breathing body of her laying on her bed.

"I have injected her an IV so she will get some nutrition but she needs to eat"

"Thank you Doctor" I said as I sat on the edge of the bed, "Blaze"

"I'll escort you out Charlie" Blaze pat Charlie's back. Charlie is a part of my past and and he knows everything going on and he is the emergency family doctor.

I looked Gabriella, she was wearing my grey tee and her black shorts, I covered her body with the blanket and placed her right hand on top of it that had the IV needle.

I didn't know what to do, everyone was coming after her and with her fear that I have no idea of. What was I supposed to do with this vixen. I have always seen her being so strong and willful. She put a hell of a fight with me for days, until I had to basically force her to do everything. I needed her. I needed her for everything

What will happen when she knows everything?

What will happen when she figures me?

When she figures out that I may not be the one who I am?

Because with one single snap of her finger this whole façade that I have been maintaining for years falls apart, with just one single snap of her finger, she would leave me broken. And with the one choice she makes will decide whether I had won or lost. I wasn't sure why I felt the need to protect her but I knew I had no choice but to listen to my heart. I was confident in winning but now.



It was all a blur now because of her.

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