Chapter 12 - Rejection Letter

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Gabriella POV

"You freaking rocked the move Gabby!" Jav hugged me, "you were like this and that I bet Alek didn't even see that coming Gabby"

"Well done sweetie" my father complimented me as Lexi sulked

Yeah for bringing what he wanted

"What's with you?"

"That damn hippo would have been out earlier if I wasn't caught in that trap"

"She means Blaze" Daniel stated as he saw my confused face.

"Blaze Yoer?" my father eyed Lexi who for a moment forgot that my father was here

"Yes Boss" she gulped, she was intimidated by my father especially when you could not figure out what he was thinking, 

"Stay away from the Blood Royals Lexiana it is for your own good" he was warning her for he knew that they truly were and he walked out saying "Get ready"

"Since when?"

"What?" Lexi asked Isaac

"Blaze" he spat out

"I think it's about to get messy" Jav muttered in my ear as he jumped onto my bed

"God I just said he was a hippo!"

"It might be a nickname!"

"Who would call their boyfriend a hippo?!"

Both Lexi and Isaac were standing and glaring

"Someone like you!" he muttered but it was loud enough for everyone to hear

"It's about to go down" Bryan groaned as he plopped in my bed

"What do you mean someone like you?!" she snapped

"You called me a rhino for god sake!"

Do they really have to shout? I grabbed my phone and opened the e-mail that have arrived just now

Dear Ms. Marcello

Thank you for your application in applying for the assistant of the President at Innovatech . We really appreciate your interest in joining our company and we want to thank you for the time and energy you invested in applying for our job opening.

Unfortunately, we have to inform you that this time we wont be able to invite you to the next phase of our selection process.

Though your qualifications are impressive, we have decided to move forward with a candidate whose experiences better meet our needs for this particular role.

However, we really do appreciate your interest in our company. We hope you'll keep us in mind and apply again in the future should you see a job opening for which you qualify.

If you have any questions or need additional information, please dont hesitate to contact me by email:

We wish you every personal and professional success in your future endeavors.

Once again, thank you for your interest in working with us.

Kind regards,

Bethany Kurt

Secretary of the Vice President

Innovatech Architecture Design Company

Great first job rejected, maybe I should have applied for the vacancy in the General Affairs department, who cares I am rejected.

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