Chapter 9 - You look like a rhino trying to catwalk

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Alek POV

"Damn it not here either" Ethan groaned, "I think I touched something ahhhh aahh spider get off get off you small vile creature"

We all laughed, "Not here"

"Found it" Blaze brought a bottle, "why is Ethan running like someone bit his ass?"

"Ignore him" I said the same time Zane muttered spider

"What is there?"

"Numbers, that's all" I turned the paper around to see again, "Ethan we need you!"

"I touched its silky web" he wiped his hands off from his trouser, "what am I supposed to do with this?"

He hates spiders

"Have any idea?"

"Do you?" Zane chirped

"It looks like an encrypted file"

"Not everything is an encrypted file Zane" Ethan rolled his eyes, "the simplest coding is the alphabet"

"The alphabet" Ria smiled, "the numbers can be the letter order of the alphabet"

"Worth a try"

"4 is D"

"9 is I"

"18 is umm" Zane started counting, "R"

"5 is E"

"3 is C and 20 is T"

"9 again is I"

"15 is O and 14 is N"

"We didn't write it down so what does it spell?" Damon palmed his forehead

"D-I-R-E-C-T-I-O-N" I spelt out rolling my eyes

"2 is B"

"15 is O and 1 is A"

"19 is R, 4 is D and 2 is B"

"That's spells out board so direction board B"

"I saw boards labelled when we were running but we didn't pass any B" Zane spoke loudly as we ran in search of a board labelled B.

"Something is wrong there is no direction board labelled as B" Ria stopped and panted.

"True we are in the board number 8 but there's no board named has B" Damon cocked his head both ways

"Damn it Zane"

"What did I do now?" he groaned loudly

"Did you see the boards labelled in numbers or letters?" I questioned

"Numbers why?" and then we all groaned, "Why? What's the matter?"

"The last 2 represents the number 2 not letter B" we all ran in the opposite direction as fast as we could, "how much time do we have?"

Behind the board hanging by a thread was the bottle

"An hour and half"

"Time flies by in the yellow and green, stick around and you'll see what I mean, there's a mountain top that I'm dreaming of if you need me you know where I'll be, I'll be riding shotgun underneath the hot sun feeling like someone oooo ooo" Zane started dancing

"I'll make you feel like someone if you don't shut up Zane"

"Oh is my boyfriend going to give me a good time" he used his girly voice and inched towards me

"You look like a rhino trying to cat walk" Ria busted out laughing

"At least this rhino can cat walk unlike you" he smirked

"I don't think it is something to be proud of Zane, you are a man plus remember you are being seen by everyone back at the stadium" I stated and backed my sister up. "To the mountains you will go which one you need to know, so look for clues all around to find a stone above all, waters plenty, birds fly low, lots of hiking and things on show. Pick the bag on the ground and use the map U is where you are standing right now and M is where the mountains are displayed" I read out before Zane started speaking nonsense again.

"This has a compass, a map and a four binoculars" Blaze handed each of us except Ria and Zane

"Why don't I get one?"

"Can we please get over this quickly, we are taking much longer this time"

"That my love is because Zane keeps talking nonstop" Damon spoke into Ria's ear

"Dude her brother is right here" I grumbled

"But she is my wife" Damon retorted

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