Chapter 37 - A Part Of Me

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Alek POV

"Please put the gun down" Zane pleaded eying us. But there was nothing he could do to stop me from shooting her

"Alek calm down!" Ethan shouted, "you can't shoot her"

"Why can't I?" I questioned staring into her amber eyes that was staring intently back at me. Her face void of any emotions

"Alek you know very well that your heart won't allow it and if you do shoot her you will regret it" Zane stood beside Gabriella sorry let me rephrase it, he stood beside Emmeline.

"My heart" I laughed, "don't you remember Zane, all I have is a monster's heart" I clicked the safety off the gun.

"Emmeline" Zane called her but she was just staring at me, "Emmy get away from the gun please"

"Alek put it down, you know you don't want to do that" Ethan yelled

"I can't believe I loved the person who killed not only Zane's and mine's" Zane glared at me telling me not to make the situation worse but what more could be worse than her betrayal? "You killed the family that loved you too!" I continued as Ethan and Zane sighed sadly

"You don't know a shit about it Alek so stop acting like you know it all" she calmly said but there was a hint of a warning.

"At least I didn't take away other kids rights of their parents!" my anger was growing as time passed slowly.

"You think I was happy" her composure fell, her eyes glaring at me, "you think I had it easy?!"

For a second I was feeling guilty and hurt seeing a tear drop from her eye but the gun in my hand pulled me out from the sadness I was feeling.

"Even if you had it easy or not, I don't think you will have it again" I fired, she didn't even flinch at the sound, "GET OUT FROM MY SIGHT!!"

She was lucky the cylinder was empty. Zane grabbed her wrist, I closed my eyes not wanting to see her

"Go away Emmy please" Zane spoke, "he is not thinking at all now"

"I am sorry" she whispered, I opened my eyes to see her pull her hand away from Zane

"You don't deserve to ask that from us" I pointed my gun at her, "now leave, I don't care whether you live or die but if you come into my sight again I will kill you Emmeline"

I knew as much as I was hurting her it was hurting me too. Everyone looked devasted as she turned her back to us, "when you find the truth, you will start hating yourself Nick and I wish it won't come to that" and with those words said, she left.

"I don't want to lose her again Alek" Zane sighed sadly as he stared at the opened doors

"I don't want too"

"Would you rather have me kill her?" I stared blankly at them

Flashback to the Logan Marcello's house.

"We have got a much bigger problem" Ethan stated, Zane covered Logan's body with a sheet, but I couldn't shake off the feeling that Gabriella knew my real identity

"What is it?"

"You guys have to see it yourselves" he said as both of us stood up

"You okay?" she sniffed and nodded in response, I placed my hand on her waist, guiding her, "What is this?"

A letter and a recorder was on the table

"I found it near the door of Logan's study room" Blaze spoke, "it's for you Alek"

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