Chapter 56 - A Force To Be Reckoned

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Nicholas POV

I knew I was laying on something comfortable but my eyelids were tightly shut, I tried opening them multiple times only to lose my conscious.

Someone was right beside me, there was a small cloth placed on my forehead, I couldn't move my hands or legs but I know I can feel, smell and hear.

"How long will he be out?" it was a bit muffled but I recognised it as Ethan's voice.

"Atleast three to four hours" Dr. Charlie said.

I don't know what is wrong with me but the constant thought in my mind was troubling me.

What happened to Emmeline?

The door creaked open, the vanilla apple - honey mixed scent filled the room. It was dominant in the smell of antiseptic, a little bitter, with undertones of the artificial fragrance contained in soaps and cleaners. I wasn't in the hospital but the room smelt like it, as if Charlie used bottles of disinfection for the room.

The bed dipped under someone's weight, the soft delicate hand touched my face momentarily shivering me slightly. Her hands felt similar yet distanced. My body was responding to her touch like a moth to a flame.

"Wake up Nicholas, I need you" her voice sent relief through my body, "I came back for you so wake up for me"

I want too but the pain in my shoulder was making it hard for me and for the millionth time I lost conscious but grateful for the fact that Emmeline was waiting for me.


I blinked my eyes open several types until I got used to the little bit of light coming from my nightshade. My arms and legs were sore. I lifted my arm after removing the IV line. Removing the sheets off me, I slowly rose up biting my lip at the pain that coursed through my shoulder to the fingers.

It was all a nightmare, but I couldn't shrug the bad feeling off. It was like a warning to me.

4:29 AM

I switched the lights on and walked towards the mirror, I was shirtless and my arm was bandaged with a white cloth, the red blood soaking onto to it, I can't remember how I got it all I know is there wasn't a bullet in it. My stomach growled like a hungry wolf, sighing I opened the door and walked downstairs, my senses heightened as I stared at the figure sitting in the darkness with her head hung low

"It's me" her voice calmed me down, walking down the rest of the stairs, I stood in front of her

"What's wrong with you?" I asked her, her soft chuckle filled the living room, my eyes fell on the alcohol bottles, "are you drunk?"


"What are you doing up so early?" I asked her as I sat on the sofa, she was sitting on.

"I can't really sleep" she hiccupped

"But isn't being intoxicated also a way of sleeping?" I took the bottle and poured it to the other glass.


"Nick wake up" I groaned, my back ached from sleeping in the sofa, "were you with Emmy?"

I wiped away the sleepiness in my eyes and looked at the worried faces of Ryker, Eve, Jav and Daniel.

"She was here with me" I answered yawning.

"Nick I think you need to know this"

"Know what?"

"Ryker and Emmy had a fight yesterday and she is gone now"

"Find her" I cursed under my breath for standing up quickly when the pain shot through my shoulder.

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