Chapter 6 - Beautiful Princess

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Gabriella POV

We boarded our private airplane, father, his ten bodyguards and the six of us were the ones going from the Scythe Mafia. Uncle Scott was watching our turf. He wanted Daniel to see what he has to do once he takes up his father's position.

I rubbed my wrist massaging it, the throbbing had increased since I helped Lexi with the accounting fortunately father didn't notice it. Lucas handed an ice pack to me signaling at the wrist.

"Thanks" I mouthed, Daniel, Jav and Lexi were sleeping, father was going through his laptop and Bryan was too.

"Father is the Blood Royals gonna be there too?" he turned around


"We will be landing shortly at the international airport of Bora cay Philippine" the pilot's computerized voice ran through the plane.

"Finally my muscles are sore for sitting still for almost 6 hours" Lexi groaned stretching herself.

"Please put on your seatbelts for safety precautions"

I fastened the seatbelt as the plane landed on the runaway. We got down through the plane staircase.

"Adam" my father called one of his bodyguard, "bring the bags to the hotel"

"Yes Boss" he turned around with Wes and walked to take our bags. I watched as they placed our bags on the SUV.

"Kids get on" we all got on the fourth SUV, my father got on the third with Wes and Adam. There was a total of seven SUVs.

I relaxed on Dan's shoulder who held my hand,


"A bit" I answered, "where are we staying?"

"Cerise Crown Hotel in the island"

Lucas's phone rang he picked it up at once, "Speak" I couldn't hear the other end, "okay yes.... search and leave" he ordered and cut the line

"Who was it?"


"He is here?" he nodded

"He'll take the next flight to Philippine" the drive takes four hours to the island so we will be at the hotel at 6:00pm straight for dinner, "sleep I'll wake you up"

I had one air pod on me and the other with Lucas as we listened to his playlist, I yawned and closed my eyes again for the second time.


"El wake up" someone shook me

"Five more minutes" I pleaded as they laughed

"El we are at the hotel c'mon girly wake up" Jav's voice whispered in my ear. I rubbed my eyes and lazily looked at everyone who was waiting for me.

"Where is father?" I asked since neither he nor the six bodyguards were there.

"They went to greet The Arsonists' Boss" Jav replied, I stretched and got down behind Lucas

"Stay with us all the time El"


We walked inside and straight to the elevator, with our bags only 6 could get in

"Jav take Bryan and Lexi and the two bodyguards with our bags we'll come in the next" Lucas gave Jav the key card.

We were waiting for the next elevator, Lucas was on my right, Daniel on my left and two bodyguards behind us. The elevator dinged, we got in, the doors were about to close when a hand stopped its movement.

Black PhoenixOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora