Chapter 62 - Milan with the ALTRO

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Emmeline POV

I was dreaming, the sweet aroma of food filled my nose, the green grass felt fresh under my feet, I skipped forward merrily not knowing of the danger that lies ahead of me.

A crow croaked, its deep hoarse sound stopped me, I stared at the big tree, its leaves were black in colour, looking more closely I realized that it wasn't black leaves but a group of ravens, its red eyes hawking at me and in one swift moment it started gaining on me, I screamed and ran in the opposite direction and fell on my knees, I was trembling in fear as the ravens neared to me, I shut my eyes in terror,

"Emmeline" his soft velvety voice opened my eyes up, "my sweet baby, how can you control the world if you can't even control these ravens" he raised his head and a raven settled on his arm, he started petting the raven, "I didn't raise my daughter to be scared, afraid and to start crying whenever she felt lonely" he raised his voice.

I started to feel scared and afraid of this man instead of the ravens whose eyes were on me, he was a young and powerful man, this man who was standing in front of me was my father whose eyes held no emotion, they were blank as a white paper.

"Get up" he ordered, his voice holding authority and power, "get up and bring me power that I told you to bring, reveal me to the world and make sure I get my crown back!"

I shut my eyes, I wanted to get out but instead of that I was pushed into another memory, I have seen this before, I was being punished instead of Ryker because he wanted to find out what George was up to, I felt George's anger rolling off in waves. He was shouting at me in anger and disappointment

"You were a problem from the very start, you should have died that day, you should have died when I killed you but no you just had to survive and put me in this trouble!" He smacked me across my face, though it was a dream I felt the pain.

Just when I was starting to drift away, I was pulled into another memory, this was new, it was fresh like the first one.

"What do you want us to do Mr. Marcello?" The room was painted in white, the bed was hard as rock and the smell of Iodoform was intoxicating.

"Insert this to her body, she will be here for another two months, so do what you have to and make sure I get the results I need"

"Yes sir" the doctor stammered, "but sir the heart is still adjusting to her body, if we rush there could be complications"

"I don't care but if she survives this, then I have to have something over Nylah to control her and this girl is the best shot I have at that, I need power and support to rule the world and who could give it to me if not the former Ruler herself" he chuckled humorously.

My eyes watered, "Yes sir" the man bowed

"If she dies then I won't have to deal with her any longer, she is the reason why I didn't get along with my own sons and daughter" he glared at my sleeping figure, "she is a problem, a curse in my life"

I couldn't bear it any further, I wanted to get out, to scream loudly and say to the world that even I didn't wish to be born.

I was seeing fragments of memories, the things I witnessed myself.

I knelt down and held my head groaning in pain. I concentrated on the memories of Nick. His words and promises rang in my head drowning the rest of the voices, he was calming the storm brewing inside my head. He was keeping me sane.

"I love you Emmeline Steele" I  tightened my hold on him.

"I love you Nicholas Viotto" I smiled looking at him, "and there is nothing I've felt more real in my life"

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