Chapter 23 - You did wrong

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Gabriella POV

I was laying on the sofa in the living room as Vampire Dairies played on the TV, I felt fresh after the shower, I don't know what happened but I felt like something snapped inside me, thriving me to break out of my comfort zones.

Everyone left around 3pm leaving Ethan and I alone in the house, he was somewhere in the house. The twins would be here in 1 hour or less. Ethan walked down the stairs with his baby, his eyes locked on his precious bundle of joy. He sat on the adjacent sofa and kept his laptop on the side.

He grabbed the remote and switched the channel

"Hey! I was watching"

"Don't care" he shrugged, he and Alek were the same, if there were trillions of nerves in my body they both somehow got on every single one of them and they are delightful in doing so.

I glared and took the phone Alek gave me, I contemplating whether to call them or not

"Why didn't you tell us you were having nightmares?" he looked at me, leaving the remote on the table

"Believe me I don't have a choice"

"You always have a choice Gabriella" he chuckled, "so tell me why you didn't?"

"I want to know about something" I answered ignoring his question

"And that is?"

"What does the codes in my body do?" he stiffened and looked at me, "Why is everyone after me?"

Ever since I escaped I knew there were something valuable inside me, but I didn't know what they meant, and why were they so important


"Why does everyone knows its value and I don't?" I cut him off, "it isn't fair at all"

"Your blood contains nanobots" he answered sighing

"Nanobots? As in they are fused with my blood?"

'No they are not" he shook, "it is just on your blood cells"

"Then why the fuck can't they take some of my blood?" I raised an eyebrow

"You think Alek will let anyone touch you let alone anyone near you?" he raised his eyebrows now

"Actually I can decide it myself" I huffed, "but if Alek's blood is running on me then..."

"Before Marcello could install the nanobots, you were hospitalized as you had heart complications, Alek used it for an advantage" he sighed, "for he gave you his heart--

"And how he is living?" I thought, "oh he doesn't need a heart, he is already a heartless man"

That means that the nanos were installed because of Logan so this was not the reason why they took me years ago, there was something else. What was I a key for then?

"So when he gave you his heart, someone else gave his heart to him" he answered, "anyways luckily his heart was a match and Marcello installed them afterwards"

Logan wasn't just involved in my mother's death but he also knew something else, he had something on the others that let him take me away without any complications.

"The reason why anyone can't just take a sample of your blood is because Marcello installed a different nanobot which contains information such as the codes along with the other nanobots and only a certain scanner can read the codes and no one has seen it yet that's why you are at least a bit safer than we think"

"What does the codes link to?"

It started raining outside and I got this unsettling feeling in my gut

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