Chapter 16 - Just get over it

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Gabriella POV

I woke up on a comfy bed with pillows arranged in an orderly manner, the moonlight peeking through small gap in the long wide closed curtains. The bed laid in the middle of the room with the other essential requirements in a room.

I removed the blankets off me and walked to the door and tugged at it. It was locked, I switched the lights on. The room was coloured in dark blue with a few stars pasted on the walls. It was a beautiful sight.

"I see you are awake" startled at the voice I fell on my butt.

The only thing I felt was anger when I saw the man standing in front of me. He did the same thing I hated

"You fucking kidnapped me!" I yelled at Alek who was seated in the corner of the room looking at the moon, his eyes were scanning my body

"You are not injured, and your friend is safe" he spoke

"I saw him die!" I stood up and marched to this deathly man. His eyes held no emotions

"He was wearing a bulletproof princess" he too stood up from the chair and looked down at me, I cursed at myself, he was tall, maybe 1 feet taller than me. He held my chin between his two long fingers and slightly tilted my face to the side and caressed the left side of my cheek, I hissed.

"A glass" he said before he pushed me to the chair he sat on, "don't even think" he warned as I was about to stand. He opened a drawer and took a box and kneeled down. He put some cream in his finger before moving it towards my face, I backed away from his touch.

"Princess" his voice warned

"I am no princess of yours so don't you dare call me that" I hissed, he grabbed my face and tilted it and placed the cream to my cut. I didn't like the feeling of being trapped again, at least not from him.

"Do not disrespect me" he said and stood up before walking over to the opened windows, I glared at his back,

"Where am I?"

"One of the Royal's safe house" he replied still admiring the moon in the night sky

"Father and the rest of them what happened?" I was waiting for the most dreadful answer

"Unharmed" he gritted, I sighed in relief, not all of them were supposed to be hurt but I could see he wasn't so happy with it

"What was the reason they were attacked them in the first place?" my curiosity took the best of me, if he wanted to attack and left them unharmed means there was something that was going to happen and when I get out of this place we need to be prepared.

"You ask a lot of questions princess but I am sorry to say I need to leave it is nearly sunrise" he took his steps at me and bend down, "don't you dare try to escape"

Why did everything that happened years ago coming out now? and what did those four leaders do at that time?


I was still in my masquerade dress. My throat was dry and I was itching for water, I massaged my neck I don't know how but I was back in the bed and this time the door was unlocked. I took the flight of stairs and turned left to the sweet aroma.

There laid food on the massive table that could fit 12 twelve people, although the food was tempting I needed water. The house was dead drop silent, I poured water to the glass and gulped it down through my parched throat.

I stilled to the sound of the creaking window of the kitchen to my right, someone was trying to get in, I grabbed the pan to my hand

"This piece of s—

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