2 | the new girl

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This must be a joke.

When my father told me that I'm going to be attending Hogwarts, I was thrilled as ever. I was homeschooled my whole life by my guardian - May, but I call her aunt May. I love her, she's like my mother I never knew, but my life was starting to be like a one big boring routine.

I was very open with the idea of me going to Hogwarts, even just for the last year. I've never has real friends, just one girl named Poppy that my father payed to be my companion. She was very sweet, but we had nothing in common, so our conversation always started with weather and ended with what book I'm reading.

But it was crucial for my future to be more social and when the time has finally come, my excitement for this next step in my life was ruined the minute I found out my father hired boys to protect me.


I wasn't allowed to ever have a relationship with anyone, because my father would find out and it probably wouldn't end up well for the boy or the girl. So I gave up after our first fight over this and never brought it up since.

Until now.

The only way for me to accept that I'm going to be watched over and walked to my classes by not one, but three boys, was to make a deal : he gets the boys, I get to date. Of course he had to accept it, he knows how I am when it doesn't go my way. After all, I'm going to be in his place one day.

And then I saw the boys.

I have to admit, my expectations were far worse from this. Actually, I am quite pleased with their looks. All three of them look mature for their age - aunt May once told me that boys grow slower than girls - so I expected a band of immature, screaming and fighting boys. I guess aunt May hasn't met a lot of boys, either. And how could she? She spent my whole life with me.

But looks aren't everything, unfortunately. Ever since the brown haired guy with zombie eyes opened his mouth and doubted me being sorted into Slytherin, I gave up. Apparently, they don't understand who I am and that I can quickly change. One day I will be the fucking supreme and they will all fall down to my knees.

"Seriously, you're going to kill your lungs." Said the blonde one to two other boys that just lit their cigarettes.

We're walking out of the house, headed to the garden where we're going to apparate from. I'm walking behind them to judge and compare their bumps. The brown haired wins and that's for sure.

They stopped in the middle of the garden. It's a cold day for September and I kind of didn't dress to this rainy weather. I'm wearing my white blouse with long decorated sleeves tucked into a black skirt. At least I put on a pair of black nylons. I always wear my hair fallen down my shoulders and red lipstick on my face when I'm not spending my whole day at home.

Aunt May always told me to wear red lipstick, especially when meeting somebody for the first time. It gives them a very powerful and never forgetting impression of you.

"It's a stressful day, chill." Groaned the brown haired boy at the blondie and then he looked at me.

"You want some?" He asked and offered me a box of cigarettes out of his pocket. I couldn't answer, because the blondie was first.

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