22 | veritaserum

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"I'm home!" I shouted at the whole house.

I put my heavy bag on the stone floor with a relief and shook my painful hand. I'm in the entrance hall of my house, where I thought someone would be waiting for me with a welcome-home cake.

Well, apparently, nobody's waiting for me.

"Is anyone in here?" I tried my last chance.

I was ready to give up and accept the fact that I'll have to spend my first holiday day all alone, when all of sudden, aunt May bursted out of the living room.

"Finally! My girl!" She screamed and ran to give me a huge bear hug.

"I'm so happy to see you!" I said with a high pitched voice and gave her kisses on both cheeks.

I missed her smell, I missed her voice, her hugs and her gossips. She's wearing a light blue dress and blazer set with a white shirt underneath. Her hair is done as always - vintage curls pinned onto her head with golden pins.

"Where's father?" I asked her after a while when we came to the living room.

"I'll disappoint you, honey, he's not home and he won't be until the Christmas evening," she said and stroke my hair.

Oh no, I'm not disappointed at all - with him gone, I can work on my research. His office will be free and opened for me.

"Are you going somewhere?" I asked May when I noticed her putting a white long jacket over her, so I assumed she is.

"I have to do something quickly, but when I come back, you'll tell me everything! Bye, be good!" She waved her hand and closed the door.

If I didn't want to go through father's office without interruptions, I'd be normally angry at her for going away when I just came home. She never does that, she always waits for me and tells the cooks to cook me my favorite meals.

I shrugged my shoulders at the thought and went straight upstairs to the office.

But all my intentions were swept away when the door handle didn't work. The door can't open.

"Come on!" I shouted at the door and tried to open it forcefully.

He couldn't...

I tried Alohomora, I tried kicking it out, I tried Bombarda, but everything failed. My plan failed.

If he put a lock spell under this room, that means only one thing - he's hiding something in there, and he knows I'm looking for it.

I can't do anything about the office for now, but it doesn't mean I can't do anything at all. In fact, there is something I can do right now.

I went to the cabinet with elixirs and potions and looked for the one in indigo blue flask.


I grabbed the flask into my hand and closed the cabinet.

I spent the rest of the day waiting for aunt May to come back home. The house is cold and dark, because the grey clouds are blocking the sun from its light, making the day gloomy and sad. With a one swift motion of my hand, all the candles in the living room lit themselves and made a nice atmosphere.

I forced myself to fall asleep on the green velvet couch. I though I'd have one of those dreams where I'll find out more, especially when I'm in my house.

But nothing, my afternoon nap was dreamless and pointless.

Aunt May woke me up when she let the door close itself with a loud bang. She found me in the living room and laughed at my sleepy face.

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