40 | provoking

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Saturday morning's weather is exactly the combination I hate the most - wet and cold. Heavy rain is falling on our heads, some of us were lucky enough to bring an umbrella, but since neither me or the boys have one, we must walk with our bags on our heads.

This trip is for Slytherins and Gryffindors only, the other houses will go next week. All of us who signed and paid to go are headed to Hogsmeade, where we'll apparate from. Well, some of us.

My mood is totally down and it's not because of the weather. My head's been hurting from yesterday's incidents that happened on the Malfoys ball. The boys all stayed over and slept in Draco's room, but I went back to Hogwarts right after I said what I said to Draco. There was no point of staying here any longer. And don't even get me started on how I walked alone from Hogsmeade to Hogwarts at 2 in the morning. That's on protection from my guards.

The only thing keeping me hopeful about this trip is Ginny. It's originally for 7th years only, but Ginny wanted to go with us, not with her classmates, so she persuaded McGonagall, the head of the trip. She only allowed it because her brother Ron is going, too, so he can watch over her.

As soon as she notices me waking alone, she lets go of Leon's hand and hops beside me.

"How are you?" She asked me with too positive voice for my mood.

"Amazing," I answered and kept looking at my black shoes, who are inches deep in the disgusting wet mud.

"I can't believe what he did to you, you were so looking forward-"

"Whatever Ginny, he can do whatever he likes, I don't care anymore," I said to quickly shut down this topic before Draco hears us.

I told Ginny what happened over phone when I got to Hogwarts, she's the only person who knows I ever really fancied Draco and that's how it will stay. I don't need anyone else to know I was so miserable.

Ginny wanted to say something, but she realized I really meant it and kept her mouth rather shut for the rest of the road.

When we arrived to Hogsmeade, McGonagall divided us into 2 groups - one with students who can apparate and the other one with students under 17, who can't yet. McGonagall took my group and Hagrid with professor Sprout took the other, who has to travel by quick-bus.

I hugged Ginny and waved her as she was leaving with her group. I am left alone now, but I don't even think about joining the boys. Draco's there and the least I wanna do is to see him right now.

But unfortunately, we have to grab each other's hand into a circle in order to apparate all together. Everyone grabbed their hands, including the boys with Leon in the middle, and I was the last one. Who the fuck am I supposed to grab?

Pansy is in the middle between Adrian and Flynt, so there's no way I'm grabbing them. My eyes landed on Hermione and for a second I thought I'll go there, but then I saw she's holding hands with Ron and Harry by her sides. I don't want to touch Harry, because the last time I did, my head started to hurt bad. Then there are other students who I never saw in my whole time at Hogwarts.

"Miss Montgomery? Are you waiting for something?" Asked McGonagall with annoyed voice and looked at me.

It was when I realized everyone's staring at me with raised eyebrows.


Before I could finish my sentence, Draco loudly sighed, grabbed my hand firmly and pulled me to his side. It happened so fast that I had no time to protest or do anything. I'm now standing beside him, hand in hand with him. I rolled my eyes and waited for us to finally apparate.

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