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I love this morning because Draco's a part of it. He's laying next to me on my bed in his grey underwear and white T-shirt. When I wake up, his eyes are closed, but I know he's not sleeping. 

He looks like an angel. I raise my hand from the cover and gently place it on his hair to stroke it. His mouth goes into a little smile as he pulls me closer toward his body with his veiny arms.

"Good morning," I say with a giggle.

"Is it yet?"

He takes my hand and stretches it up into the air. Then he twists his fingers with mine and kisses the back of my palm.


"I want to stay here..." he grunts into the pillow as he rolls on his stomach, "anyways, I'm sorry about yesterday. I've been a dick,"

I remember how he's been acting yesterday's evening in Leon's room and my smile fades from my face.

"You should apologize to Theo..." I mumble.

"I'm just worried about you, that's all. The whole dying thing is stressing me out,"he says and strokes my cheek.

"I'm going to be fine."

After Draco went to his room, I got ready for my classes. I put on my Slytherin uniform which consists of green pleated skirt and basic white shirt. How I look today is the least important thing right now.

I wanted to have breakfast in the Great hall, but I'm already late, so I guess I'll have to be just hungry. I'm running through a long corridor with big windows on one side, trying to not bump into anyone.

Teachers are already fed up with my constant bathroom excuses that I use to fuck with Draco during lessons. I can't be late today.

Just when I turned left on a corner, I heard someone shout my name behind me. I sighed and turned around to look who's calling me. When I saw the person, I think I should've just kept walking.

"Wait!" Shouts Ginny, running toward me.

"I don't have time," I say and try to walk out, but she catches up with me and grabs my arm.

"Just hear me out, I'll make it quick," she says with hard breathing from the run. Ginny looks like a mess, as she should. Her skin, that usually looks like a porcelain, is now breaking out all over her face, her hair looks greasy and she looks like she hasn't slept for a long time. I guess that's what you get for faking a relationship.

"Very quick," I add and fold my arms.

"I love Harry-" she starts.

I don't wanna listen to that, so I just roll my eyes and turn to walk away, but her hand on my arm stops me.

"But I also loved spending time with you and I hate how we ended up, but I know it will never be the same again,"

"You're right in that..." I mumble.

"Can't you see it, Ames? We're the same,"

"What?" I stare at her in complete surprise.

"We're the same. I want the best for Harry, same as you for Draco,"

I stare at her for a while, trying to realize what she just said. I know I'm already late for class.

"No, no, no, honey. While you could've been spending time with Harry, you've been faking a relationship with Leon. You've been completely wasting your love on someone else while I, however much I try, can't bring myself to love anyone. So no, we're not the same at all."

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