20 | salas

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When Leon and Ginny disappeared in his room, it was just me with Amelie in the half dark corridor.

She walked to the door and raised her hand to her coat pocket for her key. As she did so, a blond strand of hair fell from behind her ear right into her face. She simply blew it out and unlocked the door to her room.

Even though I am tired, I kind of want to stay a little longer with her, talking or just looking at each other. I'm good with both.

She looked at me and that's when I realized how red her eyes are. She might have cried, or it could be from the freezing cold air outside that makes your eyes water. I can't decide which option.

I should say something to cheer her up, but nothing comes to my mind. I'm not good at these things, I prefer non verbal language.

"Night, Draco." She smiled and rubbed her tired eyelids. Her red lipstick is slightly smudged under her lips and her hair messy from the wind.

"Night." I said back.

We exchanged smiles and I watched her leave into her room.

When I touched the golden handle of my door, I immediately left it and instead of going into my room, I went into Theo's. Without knocking, I bursted into his room only to find him sitting on the floor with his head leaned against the wooden bed frame.

He looked at me with his always sad eyes and quickly looked away.

The room is a complete mess - I could never stand living a space like this. The dirty pile of clothes has been lying in a chair since the last time I've been there, which was a week ago. Old bottles, ashtray full of cigarette and the disgusting smell of sweat and alcohol.

Theo is a big mess.

"Why did you do it?" I asked, closed the door and sat next to him with a grunt.

"You don't understand...I didn't cheat on her," he whined and put his hands on his face.

"Then why were you with Sarah today? Why were you treating Amelie like a peace of crap? Why were you acting so distant lately? What's all that supposed to mean, Theo?" I didn't mean to burst it on him, but my mouth spoke faster than my intentions.

"You don't understand..." he kept saying the same thing, which made me even more angry.

"Then explain!" I raised my voice, which made Theo crack into crying.

"It's the anniversary of my mother's death!" He shouted with his eyes all wet from the tears.

Something doesn't sit right with me, he's not usually this emotional, only when he...I moved closer to him and the smell of strong alcohol it my nose instantly. He's drunk.

"What does that have to do with you cheating on Amelie?"

"I didn't cheat! I didn't fuck with Sarah!" His voice is trembling.

"Then what's really going on!? And cut the crap with your mother, you don't even remember her!"

His mother died when he was just a child and I know he doesn't have many memories with her, but he always brings her up when he fucks up something.

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