54 | stones and moans

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We rush into Narcissa's big closet room and shut the door after. It's midday, but the sun is covered with grey clouds, making the room appear dark.

Without hesitation, I kneel down to the one tile and pull it out. The diary is gone, but the other two things are luckily still here.

"Is it there?" Asks Draco standing by the door and checking in case someone walks in.


It's a basic white candle that has nothing special on it. I don't think this is an actual horcrux, but then when I touch it, the pulsating feeling goes through my body just like the last time. There's definitely something going on.

"Grab it and let's go," commands me Draco and peeks out of the door.

When we got back to Draco's room, I quickly put it on a shelve above a black fireplace. I felt like I need to get rid of it before the pulses spread through my whole body.

"What do we do now?" Asks Draco while examining the candle from close.

"I'm going to the shower, and you lit the damn candle," I command and walk away into the bathroom.

I've been here once, so it won't take me long to understand how his stupid complicated shower works like the last time. These clothes on me - his white shirt and grey boxers are dirty from my blood, because I haven't taken a shower until now.

I gladly undress and hop into the shower. The blood that dried on my skin is hard to her rid of, so I use a sponge. As warm water is dripping down my body, I sit down and tilt my head against the tile wall behind me.

What the fuck is going on?

I didn't have time to think about everything that happened until now. I sum everything up in my head: how Ginny pretended to be my best friend just to find out something about a ring, how Harry and his friends kidnapped and tortured Draco while they sent a fake one so I don't notice. All this for a ring that might be a horcrux?

I know they are on a hunt, but this is far beyond just searching for a horcrux. It seems like it's the last one they can have, because they'll never get me. Maybe it's true, maybe they have all the the other horcruxes and the ring is the last.

But what then? What if they have all of them? There are still two alive - me and Harry. What do they want to do with that? Kill us? Sacrifice us for the higher good? They wouldn't kill Harry, he's like their only hope. However, I can imagine them wanting to kill me, the heir of the Dark Lord. I'm the real threat.

I wonder how my father would react it I told him about everything I know.

"You alright?" Shouts Draco from the other room.

"Yes!" I reply and stand up, because I think I hear him coming in.

"Can I come in?"

I look at my body and make sure all the blood is gone and washed and then quickly brush through my hair.

"It's your bathroom..."

Without any more words, I hear the door open and Draco walks in in his underwear. I pretend I'm not tempted by his presence and only glance at him for a second, then I continue showering.

Draco examines my naked body and sits on the edge of the bath. In his hand, he's holding a pack of cigarettes. He takes out one and puts it between his lips, then leans over to me to light it up.

I smile and conjure a flame in my wet hand. The cigarette immediately catches the fire and I watch the flame sparkle in Draco's eyes.

"I though you didn't smoke," I said and looked away.

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