32 | tower

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Dear diary,
I am a horrible friend. My best friend is pregnant and the only thing that I seem to care about is choosing between Jonathan and Lucius. How am I supposed to end this misery? How can I choose one, if both of them have something that the other one lacks?
My Sage, my poor Sage! Pregnant at such a young age...and with that Riddle. I just sense there's something bad, something wrong with him. But if she-

"What are you reading?" Asked Leon.

I quickly closed the book with Narcissa's diary hidden in it and looked up to see who dares to interrupt my alone time.

Draco, Leon and Theo all sat in front of me. They overslept this morning, because tonight's the New Year's party in the Slytherin common room.

I've been sitting by my table in the Great hall, reading and drinking coffee for the past hour until they came.

"Nothing," I said and faked a smile at him.

"I can't wait to get drunk tonight," mumbled Theo and bit from a chocolate stuffed croissant.

"You get drunk everyday," mocked Draco without looking at him.

That's true. When we dated, Theo used to smell like alcohol almost everyday.

"I wanna get high a bit...actually, when was the last time we got h-" I started, but quickly stopped before I could finish the question.

Leon and Theo both looked at me and raised their eyebrows. Oh god.

"I can roll you one, if you want," offered Theo.

"That'd be nice," I smiled at him.

I grabbed the book from the table and stood up, waved my hand at them and left the Great hall.

I'm headed to the common room, planning to start choosing an outfit for today. I'm thinking of something fancy, glittery and sexy. Something that Draco wouldn't approve.

As I was walking down the hall, I heard someone rush behind me and all of sudden, the book in my hands flew out into Draco's hands.

"Give it back!" I shouted at him, but too late.

He's running from me, headed to the astronomy tower.

If it wasn't for something important, I wouldn't bother running after him. But it's the fucking diary, if he finds it...

I started running after Draco as fast as my legs and my poor condition allowed me to. Draco's way faster with his long legs. I thought I lost him, but then I heard his loud footsteps walking up the stairs.

Oh god, stairs. I'm already half dead.

"Stop it, you dumbass!" I shouted, my voice echoed in the tall tower.

When I walked up the bloody stairs, I saw him leaned against the wall and listing through the diary, the book where it's been hidden is thrown on the ground.

I angrily snapped my fingers and the diary flew from his hands straight into mine. He looked at me with a sigh.

"That doesn't belong to you," he said after a while and started walking toward me.

I made a few steps back until I reached the stone wall behind my back. It's cold in here, the tower is exposed to the cool January outside air. A few goosebumps appeared on my skin.

"I just borrowed it," I said and shrugged my shoulders.

He walked closer to me and press both his hands by my sides, so that I'm locked. His face is a few inches from mine, his eyes staring deep into mine.

I don't know what he's thinking. Usually, I can see into people but Draco...everything's different with Draco.

I think of the Amortentia. I think of how I smelled his fresh body from the shower, the white clean sheets where we both were laying. I'm attracted to him and I can't help it.

We're staring at each other, not saying anything, but it's not awkward.

"Don't take what isn't yours," he said through his teeth.

"Stop being like that," I rolled my eyes and sighed.

"Like what?"

"Like a fucking psycho! One minute, you're fun and all's good, but then you switch into a total asshole!" As I talked, my voice kind of cracked.

"That's not true," he said calmly, which made me even more nervous.

"It is, you just don't realize it,"

He let go of his capture over me and let his hands down. I realized my body has been so uptight the whole time we were close. I relaxed and leaned my head against the wall behind me.

"Anyways, I'm gonna keep the diary for a little longer," I said after a while, watching him walk from one side of the tower to another.

He ignored me and leaned on the railing. A strong wind flew through his blonde hair, he brushed it with his hand.

I slowly walked to him.

"Let me help you, please," he begged me.


"Don't ask me why, just let me. I can be very useful,"

"I can manage by myself," I answered, looking down to the world below us. This is the tallest place of Hogwarts, everything seems so small from up there. All my problems seem irrelevant.

"I know you can, but...whatever," he mumbled.

Suddenly, I had the urge to run my fingers through his thin hair.

So I did.

I raised my arm up and gently touched a tiny strand of his hair with with my fingertips. I don't think I've ever seen such hair color like this, it's unique.

"Fine," I said after a while, "you can help me by spilling everything you know about my parents,"

"I will," he grabbed my hand in his hair and gently stroke it before putting it down,"just not now."

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