13 | used toy

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This atmosphere is much more pleasant than the one in Great hall. Good music, green lights illuminating everyone's faces, the cold vapor lingering through our sweaty bodies and refreshing them.

Although I should enjoy it to the best, I can't. Not like this.

I'm dancing with Pansy, but my mind is somewhere else. Theo and Leon are still not talking to me, like I am the one who did the bad thing. It should've been us three here, on the dance floor, not me and Pansy. She's getting on my nerves.

"I'll go get a drink," I said.

"What?" She screamed, because she probably didn't hear me through the loud music.

"DRINK," I shouted again and left her alone.

I walked to the table with alcohol and looked for some whiskey that I brought here. Of course I found it untouched, all of them fifth years only drink cheap vodka. I poured some into a glass and leaned against the table.

After so many troubles with preparing this, I think we did a good job. This is a party to remember.

Suddenly, I felt the urge to look for Amelie, because I realized I haven't seen her in a while. She's probably fucking somewhere, anyway. I looked around the room for her tall black witch hat, but I can't see her anywhere.

I quickly put my drink down and walked to Theo, smoking behind a corner.

"Where's Amelie?" I asked him.

"Huh?" He mumbled and exhaled the smoke into my face. His eyes look sad, even sadder than always.

"Your girlfriend! Where is she!?"

He leaned his head against the stone wall behind him.

"Why, wanna finger her, too?"

"What?" I thought I heard wrong. Did he say finger?


I grabbed the joint out of his fingers and threw it to the ground. My foot smacked it and I left. He's stoned.

Where the fuck is she?

Why does she always does that? I literally begged her to be normal tonight.

"Have you seen Amelie?" I asked Leon when I found him dancing with Ginny.

He shook his head and leaned forward to kiss her. I'm trying to keep it cool, but damn, it's hard.

Why are the two guys, who seemed so obsessed with her, behaving like this?

"Fuck!" I cussed.

If something happens to her, the Lord will be mad at ME, not Theo, not Leon - ME.

I tried to look for her in the corridor with girl's dorms, but all the doors were shut and I heard nothing like a laugh or even moans coming out of them.

I ran down the stairs to the point where they split into two - the girl's corridor and the boy's one on the left, and went left and hoped to find her there.

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