63 | avada

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I'm awakened by a discomforting pain in my breasts as I'm laying on my stomach. My eyes open and I expect a sudden rush of daylight, but nothing like that is happening. When my senses come together, I realize I'm in a crowded and loud hospital wing.

"Draco?" Those are the first words that come out of my mouth as I press against my arms the hard mattress to look around.

Pain immediately flashes from my back and makes me lay down again. Shit. I forgot. My back has been torn apart by a fucking tile. I raise my arm backwards to find out what they did with my wound. There's a huge bandaid that's wet, probably from my leaking blood.

"Dra-co..." I mumble as I try to find him somewhere between the crowds of people.

I don't know how they managed to run the hospital wing without being attacked. Maybe the death eaters are gone? No. That wouldn't make any sense. Why just attack and run?

What I now finally realize is the amount of injured people laying on the hospital beds. Since there are only a few of them, some of the people are laying on just mattresses on the ground. The hysterical crying from pain is echoing in the tall walls, slowly getting to my ears. I can't stay here anymore, I can't see all those people, lost lives that my father took.

I clench my teeth and press against my bed once again to stand up. Tears immediately rushed to my ears as I felt my wound tear apart a bit, but I managed to sit up. My head is spinning and I feel dizzy, so I stay seated for a while.

"Amelie?" I hear some male voice call my name.

"What are you doing?! You have to rest!" Shout Draco at me again and I finally notice him behind me.

He's walking toward me with Leon by his side, they both look horrible - teared clothes, blood and dust all over them and they look like they could use some sleep.

"I can't rest," I protest.

I was almost standing up, when Draco stopped me and seated me again. I let out a painful grunt.

"You're lucky you can walk. If the thing got you a few centimeters lower, you'd be in a wheelchair," says Leon with a serious look on his face.

"Where's Theo?" I ask, ignoring Leon.

"He um...he was transported to St. Mungo's," answers Leon and rubs his eyelids.

"He's alive, but the doctors said his arm will probably have to be amputated..."

My hand automatically flies to my mouth that's gasped open. Amputated arm? I know it was bad...the sink basically slashed his arm, but I did not expect this. I can't believe this is all happening because of my father.

I should've ended this way sooner, before he decided to attack. Nobody would have gotten hurt, Theo would have his arm completely fine.

This time I stand up fully, ignoring the pain in my back.

"Where do you think you're going?" Draco asks and grabs my hand.

"To end this madness,"


"Draco, people are dying because I'm a fucking coward! I should've done this way sooner," I try to walk away, but he doesn't let me, "let me go!"

"Calm down! We'll come with you."

I can't walk properly, Leon and Draco have to support me with their arms. We're walking through the ruined castle, the battle sounds are gone now, all the people are probably in the hospital wing or the Great hall, others are buried in the ruins of the castle. One would say this is over, but I don't think so. Knowing my father, this was just the beginning, a rough little foreplay.

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